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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Former-Member @Shaz51 I've Self-Referred myself to Neami, a similar MH organisation.

I have hopes of gaining some similar meaninful connections & support (like Ruah) - & of accessing some of their Group Activities, like Mindful Meditation.

Neami operates very differently from Ruah, & does not do any home visits (unlike Ruah).

All contact with their Support Workers is in their Office Complex - That's also where most of their Group Activities are held.

It does not seem anywhere near as personal as the Ruah Supports that I've just lost.

However, I am motivated to access Social Supports, Activities & Organisations that may help me to be "Better Connected" (less socially isolated) - & that will therefore help to improve my MH.

I agree wholeheartedly @Former-Member with you sentiments about the emotional value of such Supports being so much higher (living alone), when there are no other people or relationships to lean on.

So feeling hurt or lonely when such connections end, is not a Weakness at all - It's actually a Strength.

It means that I value social connections & relationships immensely.

So do many people here on the Forums, I'm sure....


Not applicable

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey there @Adge 🙂🌺

your post.. how do I say it.. made my day, I think the right words are? 😀

that’s so great there’s another place out there that will be engaging and help with minimising isolation and breaking down the barriers to connection alongside you - I’m so pleased for you 🤗🌺

even though they do things differently to Ruah, there may well be other, different advantages and they may also have a link ot two to even more opportunities down the track.. never know unless you try, and I’m really pleased for you that this connection is here to hopefully keep moving forward 🙂💜🌺


your words

..So feeling hurt or lonely when such connections end, is not a Weakness at all - It's actually a Strength.

It means that I value social connections & relationships immensely.


..are very true, and speak to how resilient and resourceful you’ve been in maintaining that outlook (speaking from a place of empathy and positivity) 🙌🏻🤗🌺

I hope it goes really well for you.. in NSW, I have heard good things about Neami, so that gives me confidence for when you commence with them 🌺☺️

Re: Share a cuppa?

I've been ending my nights with some Valerian Root Tea and Honey It's fantastic for my sleep quality. I only do a half a tea spoon of tea because of all my medicines it interacts with, it took some figuring out the impact was actually a little tricky sleepy teas normally never work so this is one I recommend but always talk to your doctor or pharmacist first as this is not recommended with SSRIs.

Its been wonderful to sleep solidly and have more control over my sleep it's something I've struggled with literally all my life and now all the combinations appear to work.

Re: Share a cuppa?

I've just been spending my lunch break browsing a range of discussion topics on this forum. Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences and advice. I hope to contribute in future, but for now, reading everyone's posts has been invaluable in feeling there are others out there with similar struggles and who understand some of my experiences. ❤️

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Adge, it's good that you've found another strength. There's a fairy tale called The Handless Maiden which deals with finding your strengths in adversity; and it's a great feeling when we find them because they're ours, we can always rely on them, we can believe in them, they can't be taken from us. They're the Superman in us.

Re: Share a cuppa?

I've always been told by my doctors that I'm indomitable, and I found out last year that that's actually a very powerful gift that's also a strength; indomitable people tend to be very courageous and never feel defeated.

I think Beethoven was indomitable, he was subjected to child abuse and emotional neglect at the hands of his parents, he is also likely to have had Paggett's disease of the skull, which is why he went deaf early, and causes excruciating agony to the top half of your body, his life was miserable, but rather than be defeated he shook his fist at life and prevailed against the adversity until he died...and he left a wonderful legacy in his wake. Our strengths can be as powerful as that , @Adge.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hello everyone, how are you all?


@Abner @Former-Member @Alonely @tyme @Oaktree @Shaz51 @ArraDreaming 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Things have been pretty good this week for me @Spirit_Healer 🙂 What about you?

Re: Share a cuppa?

I increased my medication a few nights ago because I wasn't sleeping well. Was worried about potentially being more sedated, but I actually feel better (calmer) which is kind of nice. I'm relieved that it hasn't affected my work- work is going well right now, too @tyme @Former-Member 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Nice @Spirit_Healer . I'm glad the meds worked out. Sleep is certainly so important. I hope it helps you get into a good sleep pattern. 


I had insomnia in the past, so I'm on medication that aids sleep. It's been a godsend because it brought routine back into my life. I used to be up for days on end. At least I now sleep more regularly and 'normal' hours!


Good on you. Hope the rest of the week goes well for you!