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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey @ArraDreaming all good, I hope you're feeling better now. How's the little bub?

Re: Share a cuppa?

really good! she’s 3 weeks tomorrow 💜 having a snooze with Mrs jay5 at the moment but she’s doing so well and has just slot right in to our family
@Jynx how are you

Re: Share a cuppa?

Aww so cute @ArraDreaming! Part of the fam ðŸ˜ŠðŸ’œ

She crying lots or is that still to come? 


I'm doing alright! Just been super sniffly, hayfever season is kicking off and I of course decided to go walking in the park today to enjoy the sunshine. Well worth it, but antihistamines can only go so far lol

Re: Share a cuppa?

during the night she cries, during the day as quiet as a mouse though one thing about newborns that was a shock to me with our other kiddo was that they make so much noise when they are sleeping, so squeaky/noisy!!
She didn’t cry really at all for the first week.
Although one of our other kids isn’t well and went really quickly downhill tonight so we might Have to try and keep them apart 😬
Hayfever season is absolutely kicking off!! I feel you I have been sneezing all day 😩@Jynx 

Re: Share a cuppa?

@ArraDreaming oh my stars! Like a lil mouse! That is too much, I may explode from the cute. 


Aww nooo I hope your slightly bigger little one is okay! Yeah must be tricky tryna protect a newborn. My lil nephew is always coming home with colds and stuff from school. 


Yeah the throat itch is the wooorst. The wild part is that I didn't even have hayfever until I moved to Naarm - apparently it's a thing, people move here and then develop hayfever from the trees ðŸ˜µ

Re: Share a cuppa?

Ohh yeah the school germs are just feral @Jynx
Our toddler has a fever but hopefully ends up fine.

Wow really? i get it and I’m in regional Victoria I wonder why that is

Re: Share a cuppa?

today I was trying to build another 1/4 pipe for the kids

Re: Share a cuppa?

I mean I think you can be born with hayfever @ArraDreaming or be like genetically predisposed to it. My mum and brother get it I think, but I never used to until I moved here. Spose it's all sorts of factors, thing that was most wild to me was that it's a common enough experience that people told me it was normal for me to develop hayfever once I moved here. Particular type of tree I think? It's planted everywhere, little white flowers. My friends tell me it has... a very particular smell. 


Meh, we're all adults here. Apparently they smell like cum ðŸ¤£


Aww man that's so cool, building stuff is so much fun. I have a bazillion unfinished projects because I get so excited about building stuff but also ADHD brain means I rarely finish a thing (sometimes I don't even start lol).

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hahaha Hahahaha I know the ones @Jynx 😂😂😂 That’s hilarious

Oh don’t worry!! Do you think I FINISHED building the 3rd skate ramp today when we already have 2? No and my wife is not gonna be happy with me if she finds out how much I spent for there be no skate ramp
ADHD life
It’s too real

Re: Share a cuppa?

i love talking shit with other adhd’ers @Jynx