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Re: Hi Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey dearest @Meowmy and also hey @Shaz51 ā¤ļø 


Sitting with you @Meowmy. You've been through a lot, it's no wonder things can throw you, even if they seem "tiny" ā¤ļø For me, I get "thrown" when I'm trying to avoid the emotions associated with things like past trauma. It's a way I keep myself safe. Not sure if that's kinda what you're feeling?

It sounds like the feeling of being thrown is really uncomfortable and can be distressing. I'm wondering how you've coped with this in past? 

Also, not sure if this could be useful, but I often try to learn about what's going on in my brain. If you do too, I thought this post on distress tolerance might be useful where and this topic tuesday on distress tolerance where folks their similar experiences

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Re: Hi Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @amber22 . Hope you had a win today too.


I had a small win learnt a new data entry program at my volunteering position. My win was that the computer didn't freak me out !


Thanks for the cuppa.

Re: Hi Re: Share a cuppa?

@Former-Member thanks for care

Re: Hi Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Abner ,


Bit lonely here. Get cynical when I think I have a friend but they chat to everyone but me.....I guess I'm too trusting, now sad suffering that I let them in. I hope your day has been good. I'm overloaded with work and getting anywhere near my keyboard or guitar seems impossble. I only say so as its my comfort in life. Thanks for being there.

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Re: Hi Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi Paulette @Paulette sorry to hear things aren't going great for you. I hope you enjoyed your leave.

Hope you got my last message.

Thinking of you.

Kind Regards šŸ’• Maggie49.




Re: Hi Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Former-Member ,


No, I didn't. I have decided it's better to keep to myself at times as there is less hurt involved. Don't have time to ignore others without reason. Have a good night. 




Re: Hi Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Paulette, we're not doing a bad thing by trusting people, they're doing the bad thing by betraying us, even if sometimes they're doing it with good intentions, we need to trust, but the nature of trust is that sometimes we get hurt, not by trusting, by those people. I've learnt to look at it this way "Yeah, people will hurt me, and I'll get over it.". Your keyboard and guitar aren't going to leave, they'll still be there when you have some time to "soothe the savage beast" as they say in the classics. There's a beautiful concert of the North Sydney Symphony orchestra on the 2nd or 4th of December, and 17th of November is a Collegium Musicum concert. Can I get you both some tickets? My shout, it's at North Sydney Girls High School at 2pm.

Re: Share a cuppa?

I've finally managed to get my body settled, but mind is still racing from one activity to another. There is a backlog of task I've "filed" away. The main obstacle is that, I get distracted or start to feel uncomfortable physically, emotionally or psychologically and I "run" away, avoid, day dream (dissociate). There are many fears, life trap, schemas that can be activated at any time, and the behaviours starts. My anxiety will keep rising and the vicous cycles repeats over and over. Stuck in the past or future, never present in the now. Eckhart Tolle,  "The Power of Now" is providing some form of awareness. Though, I am ashame to say, I stopped reading it after reaching 40% several years back. Boy I make things tough on myself conciously and unconsciously. ā˜¹ļø

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey there @CluelessCat 


I'm sorry to hear about how you are feeling right now, that definitely sounds very tough, and I hope that you know that you are not alone. 

I really appreciate you sharing how you are feeling right now with the forums, and I hope that you are getting the support that you need. 

I have read that book a little while ago, but also seemed to only get about half way through it before I put it down and never picked it up again! I find it so hard to stick to non-fiction books sometimes, I think I get a bit bored even though I really want to know what they are about. 

I hear that your thoughts are racing a lot right now, and that you aren't feeling great. Is there something that can take your mind to a better place? Someone or something that can help you out of it? And most importantly, are you safe? 

Thinking of you and sitting with you,


Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @CluelessCat,

Thanks for sharing a bit of your story - it sounds like you have a lot going on in your mind at the moment. I get like that sometimes to, particularly when I am overtired or have something heavy going on in my life. Is there something that you find can help distract your thinking, even just for a while so your mind can get a bit of a rest? I find games on my phone, video games, taking my pugs for a walk, etc seem to help a bit when my mind is racing.

If it makes you feel any better I got through about 25% of "The Power of Now" - great book but life got busy and I had other priorities. I really like some of the things that Eckhart Tolle has to say, particularly around living in the now, I just find that it can be easier said than done sometimes. Having said that, we can always continue to try - every day is a new day.

Warm wishes,
