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Re: Share a cuppa?

Night @Bow,


Sorry to hear you have had a shitty day. What's annoyed you? 


How is your big 7-year-old today??



Re: Share a cuppa?

Makes sense @Bow - 


I've been there @Bow - I was angry that the little control I had was being taken away from me.


I was on 3 day pick-ups for over a year. There was a lot of push back from me at first. I later moved to weekly webster packs. Now, I'm on fortnightly webster packs. It's just a fact of life now. It's better that I'm alive to tell the story.


It hurts now @Bow - I hear that. Give it time.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Think I’ll just not bother with meds I’m on so many and such high doses maybe that’s half the issue. Messing with my body too much

Re: Share a cuppa?

I think I need another relaxing herbal cuppa. I wish I could actually get it from DJ but it’s out of stock online, and DJ is far from my house.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey @Bow - hearing you. I can only advise that you speak to your treating team re meds.


In the meantime, chai?


And @creative_writer , here's your herbal tea:

Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 9.32.51 pm.png

Re: Share a cuppa?

Nah don’t really feel like a hot cupppa, but thanks @tyme . Just had my meds with my fizzy potassium drink- blackcurrent flavour, not too horrible tasting. 

@Former-Member daughter is good. Waiting for her to go to bed so that I can then go myself. 

Re: Share a cuppa?

All good @Bow . We can just have a chat then 🙂

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey @tyme @Bow @Former-Member how are you guys? 

We just put the kids to be here @Bow 


and my partners gone out for an hour or so, so it’s quiet here

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Yep @Bow, I feel you! How is it they can fall asleep out at the shops, or on the train, but when you're at home, they stay awake??

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Night @ArraDreaming ! Your house sounds peaceful ☮️


How was your day?