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Re: Share a cuppa?

OMG @StuF @Captain24 ! Wow! I never knew such a thing existed - that is, eating sweetened condensed milk by the tubeful or spoonful! Seriously, I'm learning everyday!


As for weetbix with sweetened condensed milk... why not, i guess? Because most cereals out there is full of sugar anyway. @Captain24 , it sounds like your staple food is sweetened condensed milk! I can see its place in slices and cakes... but in everything? LOL. I WON'T be rushing out for more sugar considering I probably eat way too much sugar anyway.


I don't even have sugar in my tea, because by the time I eat all the sweets, it makes up for it!


I remember watching 'The Sugar Film' at school. A documentary on sugar. So instead of eating sugary foods, this person ate plain foods with sugar cubes which equate to the amount of sugar in foods. E.g. instead of eating a sweet biscuit, they ate a plain cracker with 4 sugar cubes. Instead of eating a certain cereal, they ate weetbix with plenty of sugar cubes!


Very interesting topic we have diverted to lol. Very interesting @Captain24 . Thank you 🙂



Re: Share a cuppa?

I do get the skim milk one @tyme . It tastes the same and has less sugar! Still a lot though. I haven’t met anyone yet that has a sweeter tooth than me. My cousins on my dads side are the same with condensed milk! And there is 19 of us

Re: Share a cuppa?


Yeah, I should probably Not follow through on the condensed milk purchase, as I also consume too much sugar as it is! I'm way better than I used to be, but I can't kick it entirely 🙂

Re: Share a cuppa?

My sugar intake is really bad @StuF @tyme . I probably should look at that

Re: Share a cuppa?

To be honest @StuF @Captain24 , I'm actually very intrigued by this conversation tonight. And yes, I DO have an immensely sweet tooth, but not sure if it beats yours! I'm thinking age may change things too?


I CAN indulge on Nutella and chocolate though - big time! I don't eat lollies, but I DO love chocolate. Oh, and I have eaten Milo by the spoonful in the past. I don't mind it. I just don't like it getting stuck in my teeth. 


Thanks for the heads up @StuF about not fulfilling the sweetened condensed milk purchase. I'm forever telling myself that I'm going to start exercise and eating healthy, with help from @Oaktree in their very inspiring thread Walking for Wellness .... I'm not very good at it though. But as you said @Oaktree , You just have to do it!




Re: Share a cuppa?

Yeah @Captain24 , my sugar intake is atrocious. My blood tests show it. So when my blood sugar/fat levels are not very good, I adjust my diet. Then when I go back for the next blood test and things seem okay... my mind reverts back to the old eating patterns. Not good, eh? 

Re: Share a cuppa?

@tyme @Captain24 


This Is a good conversation! But I'm gonna bail on you and get ready for bed.


I'll be sure to check back tomorrow...and I'll look at the Walking for Wellness thread too 🙂



Re: Share a cuppa?

Good night @StuF ! Thanks for the chat!

Re: Share a cuppa?

Milo on icecream is awesome @tyme 

I eat milo by the spoonful same as

nutella it’s by the spoonful. It’s nothing for me to eat a jar it. And I love my

lollies!! If I have a cup of tea it has 4 sugars! 

Maybe I need to join the walking thread. Just realising how bad my sugar intake actually is. I do have trouble just joining in stuff though. That bloody social anxiety!! 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Goodnight @StuF