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Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Well hello to anyone who's discovered this new thread .... and welcome!!!

For some time I've noticed things are a bit quiet on a Saturday, especially in the evening.  So this will be a social gathering for all forumites and hopefully a place to relax and meet friends.   It's also a place where you can talk about whatever's going on for you at the moment, safely, and find support.

If you want to bring something to eat or drink that would be welcome, whatever makes you happy.

Actually that may be a good place to start - jump in anywhere and let us know one thing that makes you happy - currently or over time.


Really looking forward to finding a posse to hang with on a Saturday.


L E T ' S   P A R T Y  !!!


@Lauz @nashy @s-jay and all @Former-Member s @Ali11   @Faith-and-Hope @outlander @Teej @frog @Shaz51 @CheerBear @Zoe7 @Exoplanet @outlander @greenpea @Adge @Appleblossom @Former-Member @MDT @eudemonism @Jacques @Meowmy @Razzle @saturnzoon @Snowie @Sans911 @Owlunar @Hope4me @Sophia1 @Mazarita @PurpleKathy @Imn83 @Jenn4 @Serenity1 @Former-Member @oceangirl @Bbird @Felicity73 @Silenus @TAB  @Smc @Bimby2 @Kurra @Dadcaringalone @Gazza75 @Queenie @Stef1983 @Zaphod @TheVorticon @The-red-centaur  and all other forumites - please do invite and tag in anyone you can think of.  I'm sure there are many I've missed.


Image result for morning tea platter


Image result for morning tea platter


And of course the beverage of your choice.


EDIT :  Do feel free to contribute some music too.   Of any style.  The more the merrier ...





7,278 REPLIES 7,278

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

What a spread to kick off @eth! You have outdone yourself.


Looking forward to spending Saturdays relaxing here.

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Sounds good @eth
Ill.bring some coffee as I am about to sit and have one haha

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Love it @eth! 🙂 Hiya all and happy Saturday!

My something that makes me happy is music! 🎧🎶

Another thing that makes me happy that I'll be doing today is listening to podcasts. I love finding a podcast to keep me company while I'm driving. There are SO many to choose from though that I often get stuck for ages trying to find something (not a bad problem).

Coffee is good too @MDT! Too good sometimes 😉😁

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@Ali11 @CheerBear @MDT  looks like we have a crew already!  I'm going to choose some music but anyone else is welcome to do so as well.  I need to get some chores done but will pop in and out when I can and then be back for this evening for (hopefully) a great gathering.  Warm vibes to all who drop in Smiley Happy   Thievery Corporation for a cruisy morning vibe - enjoy!!

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@eth  great idea eth :Dxxx Hi to @CheerBear @MDT @Ali11  and all who pass today :). Let me think ummmm I have cravings for sweet 🙂 son2 came home last night with the best chocolates I have ever tasted 😮 (and that says something!). I cannot name them of course but I would buy us all a box of them to nestle down and watch Midsommer Murders with the pea later on today!!!! I love Midsommer Murders :)xxx

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

YUMMM @greenpea    I'll join you on the sofa for Midsummer Murders - I like it too.  This week I watched 6 eps of Mystery Road - well worth checking out on iview if you like Aaron Pederson and ozzie detective drama.  I love him!

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@eth  Thanks for the heads up eth I will definately look it up you got me hooked on that other forensic aussie show a little while back .... I cannot remember its name ..... but I know it is back on mum told me so that is another one I have to watch 😄

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

I think it was Harrow @greenpea 

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@eth  Spot on eth :D! Loved it.