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Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Hi @Shaz51 hope you're winning the flu battles. 

Had a nice lunch with family. 

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@Abner  more power to you! An hour in the gym is no small effort.

What is your preference cardio or weights? Or Interval?

I had a sauna for an hour. I always manage at least 2 sets of core exercises while I’m in there.


Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Soo good that you had a good lunch @Dimity xxx

Had to take something at lunch but still have not got the flu yet yaaaa 

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

That's good @Shaz51 . People here have been really sick with it.

You're good with going to the gym @Glisten @Abner . I'm not up to it at present. Today I walked to the corner and back.

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@Dimity  you are doing great.

2021 all I could manage was to walk 15 meters.

Big hugs G


Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Thanks @Glisten . Sounds as though you've come a long way. Well done.

Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@Dimity  grief and anger. A LOT of grief and anger.

I was lucky that my son’s 800 sq mtrs of yard needed two invasive trees cut down and the stumps removed.

One day during a storm. I was standing up to my ankles in mud sobbing and just swinging a pick ax so hard that part of the root ball came away, wedged into the pick ax 😂

With the roots hanging from it, it looked like I someone’s head on a pike.

Lightning flashing all around. I’m soaked to the skin, covered in mud, hairy rootball on a pick. Chanting “HIT THE STUMP!”

The storm pass and eventually so did my anger.


Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

Wow @Glisten . Strong stuff. Sounds like there's lots to process.


Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@Dimity  sometimes a woman just needs to get primal.

Long story short. I got real fit


Re: Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!

@Abner thanks for thinking of me, good on you for getting a work out in! 

I am doing alright pretty exhausted as had a big day. So self case and cat cuddles here. 


@Glisten the sauna sounds nice! I hope Sunday was kind to you. 


@Shaz51@Dimity and I am sorry I can't remember the other name without seeing them but I hope that Sunday has been kind to you as well 


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