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Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread

Happy Birthday @outlander
Have a fab time girl

(@Phoenix_Rising ... chocolate made from horse? Neighhh, couldn't do it would give you the trots).

Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread   @outlander      LuV YoU

Bella  & All Your Forum Family!   HeartHeart

Birthday Presents.jpg

Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread


You will scare @outlander away.

There are so many of us.

Maybe we should hide behind the curtains and wait til she starts to open her presents.

BOO!  Beautiful Outlander

Happy Birthday Bella!


Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread

Big Happy Birthday to you @outlander! Here's to the year ahead - may it be full of love, joy and peace. You are a good friend to many, including me!

Image result for 21st celebrations

Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread

@Former-Member - haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread

Happy 21st @outlander/whatever your name is lol @Shaz51 thought you needed another thread. 


Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread


Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread

Thank you @Shaz51 for organising all of this. Im still speachless and its all so beautiful! The setup, cakes, decorations everything!

The horses are wayy too cute, they cant be eaten! They will have to go in the freezer afterwards so they can keep for a very long time!


Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes! It just seems to get better. Its like my birthday has gone for 2 days now (it was actually yesterday but was knackered afterwards) . Thank you for all the kind words and for all the faith you guys seem to have in me. For being there for me and guiding me even when I couldnt see anything but the black dog.

@TAB@Former-Member@Shaz51@Sans911@frog@Appleblossom@Faith-and-Hope@CheerBear@utopia@greenpea@Former-Member@Maggie@@utopia @soul@MDT@Former-Member@Former-Member@TheVorticon@Phoenix_Rising @Owlunar@Mazarita@Former-Member@PeppiPatty@Former-Member@Former-Member@Teej@Former-Member@Adge @Former-Member@frog @Appleblossom


those flowers are so pretty @greenpea I think I might put them out the front of that wonderful retreat @CheerBear has just sent me too (yes thats the right quote!)


@Maggiethat is a really pretty cake. Pink with roses. It reminds me of my nan, so thank you for adding something special in (even if it wasnt intended) and those chamagne glasses are pretty cool hey!


Haha @Phoenix_Rising ive seen that youtube clip. Maybe I should get a pair of those shoes lol!

Wow I love that cake too esp with the babies down the bottom. Soo cute!


Ahh your lunar park cake is here too @Owlunar plenty to go around! I hope they are all different flavours though!


@MazaritaI can do some mediatation in m life hotel where I really am but atm ill be retreating to Cheebears little hideway afterwrds! So pretty and peaceful!


@PeppiPattylol life has been hard but being here has made more bearable! Its so cool to meet you too


ooh Niqua! What a cool arrrangement on the wall! Wow so pretty! Everything is sooo pretty! @Former-Member


wow @Former-Member now we have inside and outside setting! How pretty!!!


thanks @MDT haha yes I sure did get that cheeky add in!


Haha @Former-Member very clever!



Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread

@outlander Thanks outlander!! I am really happy that you liked them. Hope you are having fun! Smiley Very HappyxxxxHeart

Re: Outlander Happy Birthday Thread

you are very  welcome @outlander

with lots anf lots of love from all your forum friends xoxo

and here is your key to the future
