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Re: One Day at a time here

Hey @Shaz51 

Just reading back

Sounds like you have lots going on at the moment

I hope today is going ok for you

Sending lots of 💗💗

Re: One Day at a time here

Special delivery of hugs for @Shaz51 !

Re: One Day at a time here

hey @Shaz51 how are you holding up? sending you lots of love 💜


@Dimity it's lovely to have you back. how are you going?

Re: One Day at a time here

Hi @rav3n a bit fuddled but better in myself thanks. Improving. Probably not up to chatting atm but thanks for thinking of me. 

Re: One Day at a time here

glad to hear things are improving @Dimity totally understand needing some time and space to recover, take care and i'll see you another time 💙

Re: One Day at a time here

Hello @Ru-bee , @Snowie , @StuF , @Dimity , @rav3n , @Glisten , @Healandlove , @tyme , @Gremlin24 , @Jacques , @Emelia8 , @Ilovepenguins , @Appleblossom , @Faith-and-Hope , @Jynx 


had some blood tests and scans done 

now have to wait to see my doctor in 3 weeks for the results, crazy 

might have to make a appointment with a different doctor next week or else I think anxiety is going to creep in over the next 3 weeks 

Re: One Day at a time here

Hello @Shaz51 . Waiting for results sucks and 3 weeks seems like forever to wait. If you are comfortable seeing another doctor and want the results sooner then go for it. Good luck with it all ❤️

Re: One Day at a time here

@Gremlin24 , thanks , I think I will to just get the results and then still keep the appointment with my doctor 

how has your day been my friend

Re: One Day at a time here

Hugs @Shaz51 3 weeks is a loooong time but it will pass. I know from waiting for surgery. Do you and mr shaz have a lot to do cleaning up after the rain or can you get out on some photography trips?

And I think you're still waiting for your hearing aid. Hang in there sister.

Re: One Day at a time here

@Shaz51 been a day full of up's and downs. I don't know, I'm just all over the place at the moment but I'm hanging in there.