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Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends!

hello and sending you hugs @QueeniePaws my friend ❤️


I totally understand what you are saying as my husband has lots of Mental health issues and the specialist has added another diagnosis to his list  


and for me, I have kidney disease stage 4- 17% with only one kidney taking one day at a time while it is decreasing 


glad your workplace is so supportive, it sure makes a difference, and you have some lovely furbabies 

Do you have some hobbies or some self-care activities 

we have a thread called Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope ) to click onto and have a look 

Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends!

For me hobbies come and go - I will hyper fixate, get to a point where I think 'ok got this now' and then get bored. I am trying to do better re my overall health, I have been seeing a trainer for the past 9 months but he has taken a holiday for 9 weeks and I really need to push myself to go with no additional motivation like meeting someone there. I'll have a look at the resources on this site. Tx


Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends!

Hey @QueeniePaws ,


You’re not alone. I think quite a few people can relate to hyper focusing. I guess we just need to continue finding things that interest us and spice up life a bit?

Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends!

Hi guys, I hope everyone's having a good start to the week so far. 

I just wanted to say a big welcome to all of our newest members from the past few days:

@alex_blake_88 @aliceinwounder3 @billieeilish1 @BrightMoon24 @ButterflyChick @CCC2511 @CJ @CN @Fisher @FW85_ @Georgia21 @HopetoRecover @Inantha @KS2024 @leahmarisa @Lokie @Lucy777 @Luna10 @Luraidough @MammmaLu @Maree24 @miniACDC @MM @mypizzasinsane9 @Newspapers @OneFightingMama @oPetrovich @Pip13 @QueeniePaws @qwertyuiop @RonnyK @Royal93 @SammyBubbles @sfsyd @sgsg @Snee01 @Soph242 @starexplorer @Tania-tears22 @Thunder @TT @wiiiiiiiind @Wilde_Sea_ @Wonderwoman7 @Yowie88 @Zera 


Welcome to our forums community, I look forward to seeing you around the forums!

Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends!

hello @TarotQueen , @Selvi 

how are you going today 😎

Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends!

Hi @Quuen258 !


Welcome to the forums!

Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends!

Thank u for inviting me

Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends!

It's great to have you with us. If you want to tag me into your posts, all you have to do is type "@" and type tyme after it. Like this @tyme 


That way, I won't miss your messages!


Meet @Shaz51 @Oaktree 


@Quuen258 , I just want to say that you get the medal for resilience in jumping over technical hoops to get here! Well done!

Re: Newbie's Social Club - Come make some friends!

Hello 😊 @Quuen258 

How are you going today