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Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

Hi @eth 

Thank you for your concern. Our friend does not seem to be online at the moment and I have not read anything in the thread that would indicate that she would harm herself tonight. 

Try not to worry, maybe have a break from the forum so you can rest a bit. I will keep an eye out for her.

Kind regards,


Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

Hi All, 

I thought I would jump in an introduce myself, I am LouLouMagoo and I am one of the Moderators here at Turning Point over the weekends and nights. 

I have a background in Counselling and am currently studying my Masters in Social Work but am also looking at doing a Masters in Nutrition down the track, if I am not sick of assignments by then! I have a long history in sport, sepcifically rowing but now am out of the sport but spend most days in the gym or outdoors with my wonderful dog (hence the profile pic!) and one day when I grow up I want to adopt a few rescue dogs 🙂 

Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

@LouLouMagoo Thanks for sharing 'a little of yourself' Smiley Happy What 'kind' of counselling have you done in the past?

Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

Hey @Zoe7 
My back ground is in mental health, AOD an eating disorders. And looking to continue my learning with my studies 🙂 

Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

So masters in nutrition makes sense @LouLouMagoo Smiley Happy

Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

Always learning @Zoe7 Smiley Very Happy

Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

Yes @LouLouMagoo - and more so being on here - seeing the worst of humanity and the strength and courage that so many have to get through each day - that in itself teaches us that it is possible to get through even when we feel we can't - learning to survive!!!

Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

That reminds me of one of my favourite stoicism quote;

“Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.”


Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

OMG truer words have never been written - and so apt for me at the moment @LouLouMagoo Smiley Sad

Re: Who's who in the zoo: Meet the moderators

Look after yourself @Zoe7 there is good in everyday and you are unconquerable