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Re: Let's relive the 1980's

And of course this @Scarecrowe   :

came out in 1983 but this is a remix


Takes me back to a particular night at a club we called the 'sexchange' in Oxford St Darlinghurst - a night I'll never forget for all the right reasons

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

@TAB  @eth 


wow the music is coming out of the wood work now.........I keep going wow forgot them, forgot that song..........great memories.......

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

haha Cat Happy this IS the 80s lol @eth @Scarecrowe 

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Yes @TAB  and @eth 

love both those bands and all their songs, great choices...yep I'm bopping away here too.....should be getting tea ready but this is much more fun........................Smiley LOL

another fav of mine:

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Remembering a Mental As Anything concert I went to where they had lawnmowers hanging all over the room and the door prize was that they'd come and mow your lawn!

@Scarecrowe @TAB @Adge @Bill16 @greenpea

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

@eth   that is hilarious, lawn mowers hanging in the room...

I love The Mentals!!!!!  wish I had seen them live.......

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Re: Let's relive the 1980's

Looks like I've started something here (re the mentals) .......


@Scarecrowe  this is the most fun I've ever had on the forums ... thankyou so much for making it happen x

Re: Let's relive the 1980's