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Re: LGBTI folk

Hi @-Rayne-@Ant7 @smiley2 @eth @outlander,

Congrats on starting this thread. Was thinking about starting a similar one but you beat me too it. Well done!

I think the next few months will be interesting for the general public to actually witness just how bad homophobia can be towards the LGBTQI community. People need to see the extent that it can go to so something can be done about it. Often it's sly and implied and other times it can be right in your face. People lose their jobs over it. They can even end their life over it.

A friend a few years back was spat on for having a gay pride sticker on the back window of her 4WD in a shopping centre car park by a woman who had waited for her to return to her car just so she could treat a fellow citizen like that over her sexual identity. She was also very badly verbally abused about her homosexuality by this complete stranger.

Personally I too am guilty of allowing years of remarks and bullying about my bi-sexuality contribute to a decline in my overall Mental Health. Why I allowed people to do this to me I'll never know? But I refuse to allow it to continue. It's a work in progress with healing myself over a lot of things.

I think the next few months will only stir up both sides actually. Equality statistically in opinion polls seems inevitable. So i am not sure why we need such an expensive postal vote. If it doesn't happen now its not the end of the world. Eventually it will occur, as more and more people become more and more accepting of the idea of same sex marriage. What I don't want to see is the plebiscite giving people licence to throw about hate from either camp. I am deeply concerned about the affect hurtful comments will have on children who come from LGBTQI households - some of the hurt stemming from bigoted remarks might well cause irreversible damage no matter how sly and implicit the remarks may be.

It kind of reminds of how Galileo's persecution held back the progression of science by 300 years for being against the accpeted doctrine of the time (that mind you have since been proven to be wrong) or something? It's time for progress. Marriage equality is inevitable. Why delay progression and equal rights for these families and their children? I'm not religious, but I am spiritual and I'm not sure if the almighty would believe in hatred of LGBTQI, for those who are relying on the scriptures. There is no message of hate. The message is love of all humankind.



Not applicable

Re: LGBTI folk

Hi @-Rayne- and all

I am disgusted by what is happening in this country and I am very much on your side. For me freedom of sexual preference, marriage, rainbow families etc is a human right and should not even be discussed. It is just pure discrimination and stigma and I am feeling for everyone who is affected by this, but especially the children in rainbow families and youngsters. We shouldn't have to talk about human rights in a country that classifies itself as a first world country. I grew up in Europe, in a very open environment and "coming out" was okay 25 years ago (or longer, that's just what I remember) although gay marriage was only recently "legalised".

I have been reading up a bit about how much stigma LGBTI people still face locally and internationally and I am devastated to have read about countries where the death penalty still applies. I think I have just always been too oblivious to the discrimination to the LGBTI community, because for me it is just normal - although I'm heterosexual (I honestly cannot believe that I state that here, who the f* cares???).

I have joined you in your fight as I strongly believe it is a human right and not a question of politics or religion.

Keep strong my friends and I wish with all my heart that the wounds of these shameful and disgraceful debates will heal quickly after you receive what you are entitled to by nature.

Lots of love xox

Re: LGBTI folk

Hello all lovely folk on this thread... thanks for starting it up @-Rayne-!

It's just great to see this kind of community support that the 'postal survey' has generated - a small but powerful way we as individuals can support each other. 

I'd like to echo that we at QLife are hearing similar stories to those in this thread. LGBTI people are, for very valid and clear reasons, feeling personally attacked and unsafe at times in our personal lives and space, via the media, on social media, and just in the course of leading our lives. We'd of course suggest that the LGBTI peers that make up the QLife phone and chat service are available to chat 3pm-midnight daily (1800 184 527 or - but highlight that we're facing high demand.

If you can't get through, keep trying, or contact the fine folk at the other support lines who have been briefed that we're all in this together. Lifeline, Beyond Blue, Kids Helpline, and of course SANE (among many others) are available to talk, but may not be coming from the same perspective of lived experience of being LGBTI that QLife does. For now, I'm linking to a great resource put out by the team at ACON with some handy tips for handling the commentary storm: Staying Strong During the Marriage Equality Debate

Be excellent to each other, crew!


Re: LGBTI folk

Hi @RossQLife,

You make some great points and raise valid concerns.
Great advice for staying strong and being one's self.

Re: LGBTI folk


We all have a right to be here...not just on Earth but to exist as part of the collective, as part of the Universe.
Nobody even knows how big the universe is yet and perhaps there are LGBTIQ already existing and accepting on other planets and watching us have this debate. They're are probably laughing at all the destructive fuss we are making. Lol 😆

Re: LGBTI folk

Hey all just home from a two week holiday - and thorughly put back together after 18 months hard yards.

Thank you @-Rayne- for staring this thread @Former-Member for tagging me in it. I am a proud out lesbian and married my partner overseas 9 years ago. 


If we have to have a 'postal survey" that is non binding on the parliament (Shhesh I could add some expletives here and do a lot of name calling if I wasn;t feeling stuffed after after a 9 hour drive today!) 

MARRIAGE EQUALITY - not just for same sex couples is a human rights issue. Period.

Love. Will. Win!

In the meatime anyone struggling.... Know this. We are beautiful worthy people. We love where we will. We identify as we do. Being true to who we are is courageous. We are resilient. Ignore the haters. Love the lovers. 

Re: LGBTI folk

Has anyone seen the new "No" tv adverts? They really get me down 😞 

I just spent all of today trying to explain to my superannuation fund that I am in a same-sex relationship and want my partner to be my main beneficiary. I want my Will to reflect that. The Will is the easy part, but the super fund? They just weren't letting me do it. I am taking this further (to the ombudsman). 

Re: LGBTI folk

@Queenie - Are you with an INDUSTRY SUPER fund? If not you might like to think about switching - lower fees, better returns, there for the MEMBERS (not the profits although they have better returns year to year than the Banks) . Switch. Enclose the "Nominated Beneficiary" form filled in with your partner's name. Signed. It is that easy.

The other benefit is as a Union member and/or an In dustry Super fund memeber - the ME - Members Equity Bank has excellent rates for loans etc. And the Industry Funds and ME interact with their fund management. The link to Industry Super will lead you to find the Super Fund that is right for your Industry. Helps everyone in that fund too to grow.
Industry Super -

Re: LGBTI folk

Once you have switched and all your funds are transferred write to the Board of Directors of your old fund and tell them WHY you changed funds!

Re: LGBTI folk

The ultra conservative heterosexists are fearful (homophobic or lesbophobic or transphobic) and want to control their world so as not to lose their power and privilege. The Patriarchy oppresses them too, they just do not know it, yet.

They can't help it. Socialisation reiterated weekly at their right wing churches and in their sphere-of-influence- bubbles keep them believing the ludicrous, false and mythological stories that would have lesbians, gay men, trans people, intersex and asexual people as abominations and 'demonised'. They are taught this from the cradle to grave  Feel sorry for them, because their lives are ruled by fear and favour. 

This is a personal issue politicised and in 2004 the then PM changed the Marriage act overnight to "PROTECT PRIVILEGE" and exclude equality. They do not HAVE to go to plebiscite and in fact have NOT gone to plebiscite - this is effectively JUST a postal survey and non-binding in Parliament. BUT it is important that we mobilise as many as we can including ourselves to mark the paper YES - and no other marks which renders it informal, therefore not counted) and send it in. Then rest with what we have done, if not this time, it will come. It will come. CHILE just changed their law, CHILE! so take heart and be clear - that other people are fearful, grunchy and want to deny us equality has everything to do about them and nothing to do about us. We will win eventually. hopefully this time.

I hold anyone's hand here who is struggling. Look yourself in the eye and love.

If anyone amongst us is feeling 'less than' or hurt or fearful because of the right wing propaganda - don't listen to it. Don't watch it - just mark your postal survey with YES and post it - seek out positive messaging and share it.

If family members are wanting to 'debate' and friends are wanting to discuss on the "NO" vote tell them they have all the privilege and you have none of the power and you will NOT listen to their oppressions and walk away. Hard to do - but necessary for our sanity.

Be sure of this, you are every bit as equal and worthy as anyone else.