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LGBTI folk

Hey, I just wanted to start a thread here in case there are others struggling with all the media crap around this postal survey. Everywhere I go in the community people are finding it really hard so I thought people here must also be. 

I am. 

Maybe we can just make a space to take care of each other. I feel that we really need to do that right now. This atrocity is going to continue for months. 


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Re: LGBTI folk

Hi @-Rayne- ðŸ™‚

It is wonderful that you have created a thread for the LGBTI community here to take care of one another, given the pertinent concerns around the postal survey. It is very courageous of you to express that you are, in fact, struggling with this - I am sure others are too!

Perhaps, @Jasper @MoonGal @RossQLife @Kurra @Appleblossom @eth @Decadian @TomBoiXXY may have some feelings or thoughts about the recent postal survey, given that they have commented on related posts in the past? Each of these members have either mentioned that they are a part of the LGBTI community, or relate to some aspect of it, or are close to someone who is a part of the LGBTI community.


Hoping this is a platform for you all to connect and support one another! Heart


Kindest Regards,


Re: LGBTI folk

I am appalled at social media's response to the postal survey surrounding marriage equality. As a proud lesbian, I would love to see the day I can legally marry my Mrs. Having said that, I've just been through a commitment ceremony so in my book she is my Mrs anyway. At the hospital the other day (following our car accident), I said I was her life partner and the nurse then asked who my Mrs' next of kin was. A lot of education needs to happen before same sex relationships are fully recognised, despite the plebiscite.

Thanks for creating this thread @-Rayne-. I'd be interested to see what others think! 

Re: LGBTI folk

Media coverage can be such a blunt instrument to deal with these kind of issues. A lot of people are upset and it amplifies some of the bigotry. They are deeply personal and private issues. 

Thanks @-Rayne-

Re: LGBTI folk

I honestly dont see what the major dramas are. People should be able to marry whoever they like gender wise and be happy and proud of it.

I myself am Bi so im all for marriage equality and even when i want i still was for equality.
I find it stupid people are arguing against it but i suppose everyone thinks of things differently to one another.

Re: LGBTI folk

Hi @-Rayne-  I'm the parent of an adult child who is transgender, and definitely an ally.  Yes the plebiscite is f'd up and shouldn't be happening.  But the powers that seem have deemed it WILL happen.  This being the case I think all the YES voters (for marriage equality)  need to get enrolled in the next few hours so that we can have a resounding win over bigotry.  And there's so much more bigotry being voiced because of the plebiscite - it's really damaging some people. 

My adult child married a cis male 8 years ago, before coming out.   Now that they have changed their name and status on all the official records (births, deaths and marriages, centrelink, medicare etc) their marriage is no longer legally valid.  This means if they or he die unexpectedly, neither of them would have the final say on any assets etc.  As their next of kin after the husband, I would legally have more say than him.  Like I said, f'd up.  We've had to create a legal agreement that I will follow his instructions if anything happens to them.  Like I said, f'd up.

Pronouns may confuse some but this is expressed in my kid's language that they use. 

We need everyone who supports marriage equality to vote YES!

Re: LGBTI folk

Hi Briar and all who have rsponded to this post. Yes it is sad in this world the media has siuch a strong influence in society and the individuality of people.We are all unique ,why is it that society condemns anyone who they feel is not conforming to the norm. I am tired of society condeming people for living their own lives particularly if they are not affecting others in a negative way. Likepeople living with a mental illness those who are gay are dicsriminated against because some people in our society are ignorant , callous and do not respect the uniqueness of an individual.We are all human,we all have feelings , hopes ,ambitions to try to fulfill our lives so why let a particular roup of people take away our right to happiness in this world. Live and let live.Anyone out there who has been affected by any discrimination by anyone for your right to happiness you stay strong and live the life you deserve, one that deserves respect, content and fulfillment.Be STRONG and respect who you are .

Senior Contributor

Re: LGBTI folk

@-Rayne- and everyone else that has replied on this thread. I agree with you all. This is a silly debate it should have already been passed through parliament. I am straight and I dont see why any one getting married is any one elses concern. It is an equal rights issue and it should have been fixed a long time ago. Just my opinion 

Re: LGBTI folk

wow thanks so much everyone who has posted here. I was actually worried today when I was away from sane... worried that it might have been inappropriate to post here but I'm not worried anymore 🙂

I'm trans/queer so yes, obviously, I will vote yes and I really find it offensive that people are being asked to vote on whether some group(s) are equal to everyone else or not. Some things are for voting on and some are not. 

It's the personal aspect that's hardest though, right? I think we're only one or two weeks in and already people are talking about experiences with colleagues, strangers, acquaintences whatever... like it's given the whole country permission to pronounce judgment. And I worry for young people who are hearing in public things the exact same thing they've feared hearing in private..

But anyway, yeah just remembering that this is going to go on for months - into next year - it's awesome that people can come here for support when they need it. Thanks y'all 🙂

Re: LGBTI folk

Hi @-Rayne-,

Great idea to start this thread.

 @Vanessa5 Woman Very Happy
