20-11-2021 10:17 PM - edited 20-11-2021 10:22 PM
20-11-2021 10:17 PM - edited 20-11-2021 10:22 PM
Hello @Mumi , @Emelia8 , @Appleblossom , @Clawde , @Anastasia , @BlueBay , @Sophia1 , @TAB , @1stepup61
This morning I was pleased to have been able to respond to @Mumi , @Appleblossom , and @Emelia8 . I started to say "I'm sorry that ...... " and then thought it better to say "I am pleased to have .......". Practising positive statements - Important how perceptions work.
I may have mentioned it before, but a friend, Coordinator of Women's Health Organisations here {WA} and in Victoria, {who has since passed away} and I used to share a house together. One of my expressions was “It's all a matter of perception” to which she would indignantly and emphatically (with a smile) say “no it's not, It is about what we know” which may even have the same or similar meaning, but we never looked that closely. It was just the fun of being contrary for any reason.
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@BlueBay , Thank you very much for your message this morning. I was pleased when I read it, because, even though you said you had not slept well, you still seemed to have a more positive and relaxed sound to your message. I hope that your recovery, after the op. is going well. I've got my "fingers crossed" and hands joined {haven't found that emoji yet} that you will be able to say that everything is ok. Though at the same time, I am aware, from personal experience, that it takes a while to stabilise after surgery. Thank you for your wishes for a pleasant day
.…....... “ ….......
On Saturdays, I join a group for their worship service and lunch. Four adults today, though often, there are as many as 7+ adults and as many children also. I find the discussions to be interesting, sometimes challenging and mostly pleasant, though there are some fundamental differences between my thoughts and beliefs and those of the group. The discussion gives me the opportunity of looking at and considering my own foundational beliefs, from different perspectives. I admit that I can find the discussions to be not just challenging, but also, at times, frustrating, confrontational, unbending from some members. All this while I have said from the beginning that I would not, in any way, knowingly challenge the beliefs of others. Though the foundational beliefs of the group are very different from the beliefs that I hold, it has also been surprising for me how many beliefs are similar or the same. I often refer to this during the discussions. I am pleased to have been accepted as a member, although an outsider by my own stated position, which is understood by the group, to the extent that I am included in the roster for presentation of the lesson of the week. That is most of my Saturday.
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@Mumi , I really like the humour in the play on similar sounding statements , while indicating a very different interpretation of the words or statement, though they sound the same. While you said that you also did not sleep well, I hope that your day has been pleasant and peaceful. Thank you for the special sentiments that you offered in response to my message this morning
.…....... “ ….......
@Clawde , Thank you very much for your company, your very pleasant observations and your "Support"s. You are already aware that you are treasured, by me, and others I am sure, for your companionship and contributions on and to the members of the forum.
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@Anastasia , as a regular contributor to discussions on the forum. I often see the posy {I had thought that the word was spelled "posie", there you go} of rose-buds appearing on posts, supporting the contributions of others and keeping an eye open for new members who have recently arrived and longer time members needing support.
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@Sophia1 , You are never far from my thoughts. From your recent posts, I am aware that you seem not to be doing too well. We care about you and the people for whom you most especially care. I visit your “living With Ourselves” thread from time to time and extend to you “Special Best Wishes” from here to you and yours.
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@TAB , I know you are around from time to time @TABBY cat. Hope I'm not stepping on toes by using a pet name inappropriately. I see you hiding there in the background. {an expression I did not understand for quite some time} Meaning hitting the “Support” button as a gesture of acknowledgement.
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@1stepup61 , you made a fleeting visit and I haven't seen you since our discussion on planes to America {USA} before or after the war. I'll have to look around to see if there is any activity. Couldn't see anything more recent that the 9 November when I just checked.
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With My Very Best Wishes to All
21-11-2021 12:07 AM
21-11-2021 12:07 AM
Hello @BlueBay,
It is really unpleasant to not be acknowledged or even worse to be ignored or verbally abused and verbally threatened or assaulted by immediate family. It often doesn't help much to know that other people have experienced the same or even more difficult situations.
I have written, on the forum, about some of the treatment that I received from my father, and with which my mother needed to concede to ensure some level of peace in her life. I simply had to leave and not go back until near the time of my father's death.
You and I are both adults with our own lives; you being somewhat younger than I am. Sometimes we need to make decisions that we would rather not have to make. The fact that we may need to make unpleasant decisions does not change the fact that some decisions, however unpleasant, need to be made. And the less fuss and disruption to others, that we cause, in making those decisions, the better. The better for us and the better for others.
My mother and I had the pleasure of each other's company for the last ten years of her life. Something neither of us had ever considered might be possible. That would not have happened had my father been alive. In fact, I would have been fortunate to have been able to meet with my mother somewhere for lunch, from time to time. That would have to have been without my father's knowledge.
We never know what changes may take place in our lives that we could never have foreseen. As long as we leave ourselves open to possibilities, they may and can happen.
As I say, it may or may not help to know that other people have to deal with similar issues to those that you are experiencing. It seems that you have good relationships with other members of your family, including your children and grandchild, my suggestion is to concentrate on what you have that is positive in your life, not what is absent in your life. That absence may or may not be temporary. Do not “foul the space with poison” in such a way as to make something good less likely to happen.
Unfortunately, grieving over what you have not in your life is simply an unnecessary distraction from the good things that you have in your life. Not only an unpleasant distraction for you but others also. My suggestion is to use your best efforts in not spreading distress, as far as possible to any others. However, you do not have to maintain pain, imposed by others or self-imposed, in your life unless that is what you want.
Relish and enjoy the good and positive relationships in your life, and, while making the decision to leave negative influences out of your life, "leave the door ajar" or "a key available", {speaking figuratively, not necessarily literally} so that others can come in if they let you know that they want to. But only if that is what you would want.
I hope that you can make decisions, that you may need to make, without holding a grudge. That will hurt you more than you know, and will also spread poison to others. Holding a grudge will hurt you and diminish your capacity to receive back into your life, those whose views may change and who may learn to see things differently from the views they may previously have held.
With My Very Best Wishes
21-11-2021 09:58 AM - edited 21-11-2021 09:58 AM
21-11-2021 09:58 AM - edited 21-11-2021 09:58 AM
@HenryX 🙏👀👂💕
Thank you for your friendship and kindness dear Henry. Thank you for including me even though I haven't been around. It means a lot. I love the exchange and focus in using positive expressions...I'm working on that and many things at present to "be a better person"
Enjoy you day Henry and all here ❤️
21-11-2021 04:10 PM
21-11-2021 04:10 PM
Ha ha @Former-Member
I really loved your cartoon about resting!
@Anastasia @Clawde @Emelia8 and all following along ...
@HenryX You are a gentleman. I hear you about your sadness about separation from your children. Of course it does not just make life easy. It is also hard to be a daughter feeling cut off from a father. Feeling uncertain about who to trust and who to be careful about offending. Sometimes they wake up sooner from estrangements due to divorces and sometimes not. Sometimes people of the "other" sex or gender can understand difficulties experienced, and have a little insight to both sides .... I have seen the males in my family suffer too.
Take Care All
21-11-2021 05:36 PM
21-11-2021 05:36 PM
Hello @Emelia8 , @Bow , @Anastasia , @Mazarita , @Mumi , @Snowie , @Clawde ,
and other visitors to the “Hangar”
A Few Thoughts About Progress, Pacing and Rest.
Your comments @Emelia8 seem to vary between sometimes wanting some company, more often, offering company to other members but also relating, through your own experience, to the pain of the people with whom you are speaking. Then feeling the almost over-whelming pain of your own recent events, recent and past experiences and associated trauma. Such feelings may possibly be precipitated by your own awareness and connection with the pain that others are experiencing or have experienced and the descriptions that we each share, with difficulty, both in presentation to each other and acknowledgement of each other's situations.
Activity in the forum can be rewarding but also painful. Sometimes, when I am feeling really low, it seems like there is no escape. “Damned if I do and damned if I don't”. If I move away from the forum, I take myself with me, if I talk about how I'm feeling, I question whether I am just reinforcing and increasing the unpleasant feelings that I have at any given time. If I relate to the way others have conveyed their feelings, sometimes there is some relief in knowing that another or others and I can share and understand, through words, how we each feel to some degree, expressing those feelings and what we are thinking, in writing on the screen.
When I started to respond to your expression of self on the “My Mosaic” thread, @Emelia8 , I felt stumped, just couldn't think. Among the first few words of the commencement of the post was the statement;
“Unfortunately, I feel, somehow lost for words.”
I started writing in my word processor, just trying to connect the descriptions you had used with my own feelings. And something comes through. I just hope that what I am writing conveys meaning in ways to which you and others can relate, share and provide some element of understanding and mutual support between us.
When I want more inspiration, I look back through the posts in a thread or threads, to see what others have written of their thoughts and feelings. This may be for a specific response to one person, or a more general response to a number of members, or members of the forum in general. Sometimes, memories of what people have said, with whom I have had a fair deal of contact, “feed my thoughts”. In this way, I try to maintain a mental connection with other members, not just about the last comment, but about how people have presented themselves in words; their online characters. It is in this way that I try to get to know members and relate to them in ways that are appropriate for me to do so, and others to do so with me, in the forum.
There are times when I/we feel as though our personal resources are as empty as a dry fuel tank. Those are really frustrating and severely challenging times, because not only do we feel unable to extend ourselves to assisting others, we are at such times, feeling unable to help ourselves. Physical limitations combined with mental health issues can also have the sensation and applied effect of reducing our range and capacity in such away as to be a barrier to being able to even meet our own immediate physical needs. When we are on our own, these sensations, feelings and limitations can also be overwhelming, as it can also feel when we feel responsible for the welfare of others. This can particularly be so if we have previously been accustomed to being independent and at least to some degree, self-sufficient.
@Bow made a comment yesterday about flashbacks to which @Jynx replied:
“Hope you can find some ways to practice self-compassion whilst you are dealing with all of this @Bow, even if it is just trying to say to yourself 'It is okay to be exhausted and tired of this and have no energy for much of anything...' “
Which is something that we sometimes need to do, without beating ourselves up about it, or trying to force ourselves on without putting some more fuel in that 'dry fuel tank'.
With those thoughts, I present this post for your consideration.
With My Very Best Wishes
21-11-2021 05:50 PM
21-11-2021 08:16 PM
21-11-2021 08:16 PM
@HenryX @Appleblossom 👋 to everyone here. 🤗❤️
21-11-2021 09:29 PM
21-11-2021 09:29 PM
Hello @Former-Member , @Emelia8 , @Appleblossom , @Anastasia and @Clawde
Lovely vase of flowers thank you @Former-Member .
Best Wishes to you and everyone for the end of the weekend.
21-11-2021 09:32 PM
21-11-2021 09:32 PM
Thank you @HenryX and to you and all here too 🤗
21-11-2021 11:03 PM - edited 30-11-2021 10:56 AM
21-11-2021 11:03 PM - edited 30-11-2021 10:56 AM
Hello @Alicat
{All links in the colour teal can be accessed directly from this post.}
My avatar is actually a model aeroplane that appealed to me at the time of its selection for its neat lines. Not too sure about it's potential air worthiness though.
There is a certain similarity, though somewhat modernised, between the avatar model and the biplane version of the Albatros.
I'm thinking that I might get hounded out of other threads, if I spread the discussion of planes beyond the confines of the "Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar" thread, so I have invited you to join us over here.
While the integral part that planes served and their development during war time is recognised, it is really the styles, characteristics and peace time uses and applications of planes that are of most interest on the thread.
The thread started fairly "quietly" with a very brief introduction to the
Catalina "Flying Boats", some of which are still flying 86 years after they were first introduced and flown. The thread has grown in various directions, not all to do with or restricted to discussion about planes, but that might be considered the linking theme.
If you would like to do so, please have a look around the conversations in the thread. I hope that you will find the conversations interesting and that you may also consider contributing your thoughts.
With Best Wishes
Albatross aeroplane
The Albatros D. III was a biplane fighter aircraft used by the Imperial German Army Air Service (Luftstreitkräfte) during World War I. ... It was the pre-eminent fighter during the period of German aerial dominance in 1917. Approximately 4,800 Albatros fighters of all types were built during World War I
Write-ups on the Albatros D. V are on the following sites:
A Brief History of the Albatros D.V
Germany's WW 1 Albatros D. Fighter Planes - The Mainstay of German Air Power in WW 1
Photographs of other aircraft designated by the name Albatros or Albatross can be found on the following site:
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