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Re: Good Morning

Hello @Former-Member thats good you're going to that computer course still.  What are you learning?  I'm not great with technology. I did do an e-mail course when the internet was in its early years.  Could possibly do a course or get those guidebooks for dummies.  I had always planned to get a book for my apple mac as a ready reference but I have no problems using the computer there may be some things I still don't know and could be more skilled at doing

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Re: Good Morning

Good morning @Former-Member 🌞. Seems to me you are pretty skilled up. What you manage to do online seems pretty amazing to me. I can't even make a link to the forum. 


I am currently learning folders and files. Had previously grasped files, now forgot files and lost folders. Oh no !

 Practicing ATM but sure I will get there.


Have a nice day @Former-Member 🌹🌹🌹.


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Re: Good Morning

Well its good then you are doing your course @Former-Member I don't know how to do the files and folders either! lol I hope you meet some nice folk there though. I just went for another walk this morning and have been doing housework.  I did not juice my celery this morning just cleaned out my juicer and did some dishes a moment ago. Yesterday I smudged my crystals with some white sage smudge stick which was posted to me and they are now under a pyramid to charge.  I've given up waiting on new/full moon lunations to charge my crystals! Anyway that is about all for today. I have no news. Wishing you a nice day

Re: Good Morning

Good morning and good afternoon @Former-Member @Former-Member @Clawde @StuF @MDT @TAB @Shaz51 @Paperdaisy @hanami @amber22 @maddison @Eve7 @EternalFlower @Snowie @tyme @yellowcorgi @Captain24 @Jake63 and all forumites here. I hope your day is going well for you!


As for me, I’m feeling a little angry and full of pent up energy in regards to certain things in my life and I need to find a way to release it. My case manager - a new guy- woke me up this morning expecting me to jump at an appointment he arranged today in an hours time which I didn’t know about so I called the health service and reported him for his conduct towards me and didn’t attend the appointment. I’ve since found out that the health service is having trouble recruiting case managers for their service and I might not be able to get another one which I’m okay about as my previous case manager was pathetic and didn’t do much for me anyway - I had to arrange things myself because she kept on making excuses. I feel that the whole case manager thing has been a disaster for me and I’m not keen on continuing with the health service. I’m trying to relax by setting goals today to get my baby jumper completed that I started on Friday which is taking forever and I may spray some lavender room spray around my room to help me calm down. I just feel so angry right now and I hate feeling this way. I know that things will improve so I’m trying to use my coping strategies to work through this period. I may also resort to a calming cup of tea as well to help me. I start back with my mental health course tomorrow which I’m looking forward to so that’s a good thing as well. 

Take care!


Re: Good Morning

Hi @Judi9877  and thanks for the tag.


I’m sorry about all that happening to you this morning. That would have put me off too and I certainly  wouldn’t respond for an appointment with only an hour’s notice.


I admire you studying mental health and I hope you enjoy your study.


Have a better afternoon 💜

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Re: Good Morning

No good @Judi9877 


I use acupressure to balance my emotions when they get out of hand. It brings me back to my center.  It says rose essential oil is good for anger.


Check this out:


Anger is energetic and can be released through energy channels in the body quickly and effectively. It restores calm in my life

Re: Good Morning

Hi @Judi9877 sorry ur cm fid this.

The standard of care I've experienced from case management is shocking.


I'm having trouble sleeping deep insomnia and my cm meetings are in the morning. I said I would like to change to afternoon.


They have a rule with me if I miss 3 appointments they'll discharge me (how kind, right ?) And I'm scared I'll miss one because I can't wake up after being awake almost all night with insomna.


They refuse to make my appointments later and just told me if I miss it they won't count it as a missed appointment.

How lucky am I.


It's so stupid and they don't care one way or the other and keep this silly rule that I'll be discharged for legitimate things like being sick. I'm not feeling special that they are making one excoetion as they should never have this rule and my cm is sick like next to every week but for me it's a threat that it could lead to discharge. How rude.





Re: Good Morning

Hi @Judi9877 

Sorry to hear of your anger. I have what is a silly solution (although it is not entirely without merit, I feel):


My mum was telling me of a Greek restaurant/shop she visited on the weekend. They apparently sell the plates for smashing at weddings! Cheaply, presumably. Now, I know it's not your wedding day, but I reckon smashing plates would feel pretty good when angry!


But anyway, more seriously, sucks what your case manager tried to pull this morning. All the best with your knitting and hopefully your strategies will improve your headspace .

And great that you start back with your course tomorrow! Go you 🙂

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Re: Good Morning

Hello @StuF hows your day been? I've been cleaning the house and watching some journalism today.  Was able to get out and walk and achieve my daily goals. What have you been up to?

Re: Good Morning

Hiya @Former-Member 


My highlight for the day was getting a skin exam from my Dr. Having biopsies on two spots- one from my calf and the other my left forearm. He's not very worried, but they need to be checked.


Anyway, that left me with (small) wound on my leg so I've been advised to not walk for a couple of days! lol


So, been a fairly large amount (even more than usual) of sitting on my behind!