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Re: Good Morning

Hi @Owlunar  thanks for your post . yes, not a fan of how easily Americanisms got transplanted after decades of people knowing the difference and knowing better .. like 'twenty -two hundred' .. we'll be back to the Imperial system soon, well if it weren't so hopelessly non-intuitive ..

Give it time re 'airplane' .. hopefully after I've gone  hate //... 'emergency room' .. having surgeries (???) a surgery used to be where one would find a doctor lol

guess (suppose) it was emergency department here or just emergency oh and doctors in US have 'offices' that will be next here if not already .. 'realtor' thankfully not caught on yet .. lol sure their cars dont have windshields or bonnets or boots prob have other words for engines and tyres as well lol .. railroads .. really ...

Re: Good Morning

thats a pity re wasps @Former-Member  um shower hygiene was just being slack and forgetful not intentional .. 

Re: Good Morning



Totally agree Tabby Cat - my spell-check tells me every time I have an incorrect spelling according to American spelling - and of course I am busy adding my British spelling to the dictionary.


Emergency room does sound primitive - imagine everyone turning up and going to the same huge, noisy room for treatment for all and anything. We at least have appropriate departments. And their cars have trunks - not boots.


I have a cousin in Canada - he's a teacher - I must ask him how they spell there.


I might be a bit strict with my spelling and grammar - but yes - I am a published writer and it's important - I wonder if when they published one of my articles in the US if they changed my spelling.


I have been studying etymology as a hobby for years - it's fascinating - and English has borrowed so many words from other languages. I wonder why it's called "borrowing"? We are never going to give them back. I have noticed that when people are gabbling away in another language, I can get the gist of what they are talking about because of the English words they are using.


It's interesting and sometimes annoying


All the best Tabs



Re: Good Morning

@Owlunar  yes and cars in US have 'hoods' not bonnets ..  sorry, got interrupted.

yes etymology fascinating sorry , gotta run .. 

Re: Good Morning

back again @Owlunar  sorry , had a bit going on here, centrelink calling me, dropping car off etc

yes, linguistics is interesting, think the Americanisms just lazy though or people dont know any better ..

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Re: Good Morning

Just back from my walk @TAB spoke with GP and was happy overall with tests. Got to improve liver function, bring down average fasting bloods from 6.1. Cholesterol was great, white blood count ok, iron ok etc etc. I think I may go back to drinking lemon juice upon arising and stick to my celery juicing. My liver needs some TLC so may hop back on some herbs if they don't clash with my new diabetic meds.  I have some herbs leftover from previously. But lemon juice first thing in the morning should improve things

Re: Good Morning

Sounds good @Former-Member  water is good for liver. Also crucifers eg cabbage broccoli etc some say dandelion coffee 

milk thistle is good

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Re: Good Morning

@TAB I drink plenty of water but my diabetes educator told me to drink more!!! Possibly need to do lymphatic drainage using a dry body brush again to empty metabolic garbage so to speak. I did used to take milk thistle but checked and its now contraindicated with my diabetes medication. Will look up dandelion tea. I used to love drinking roast dandelion tea but you have to be so careful with medications. Have not drank it in a while since starting on diabetes medication, may have some in the cupboard. Thanks for the heads up on that was getting frustrated.  I love cabbage and broccoli btw. About to have lunch now.  Hope the car stuff works out ok for you

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Re: Good Morning

Hi @Former-Member great stuff with filling the wall. Would struggle to do such a task. I find Bunnings pretty hectic as well.


Hope your tele health consult goes well. Enjoy your walk 🙂💗.

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Re: Good Morning

Good afternoon all on Good morning @Former-Member @TAB @Owlunar @Historylover @StuF have an enjoyable day 🙂🙂🙂.