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Re: Good Morning!

@Doglover  that is a bummer re pdoc appointment .... I agree with you though sometimes I have nothing to say and wonder why on earth I am going and would prefer to stay in bed. Hope you are feeling a bit better now. greenpeaxxx

Re: Good Morning!

Morning @greenpea @Doglover and all other forumites here today

Re: Good Morning!

@MDT  Good morning Hamsolo01 😄

Re: Good Morning!

gday super pea @greenpea

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea Hello beautiful, hope your garden is nice this morning and lunch enjoyable. Been for one and half an hour walk. Can just feel anxiety coming up, so came home to rest. May go for a cat nap.But happy long weekend generally went ok. Didn’t melt down completely as I was anticipating. Wish you a great afternoon. Hope to talk soon.

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  Hope you have an okay day working late. Look after yourself. Tomorrow may be can talk more on your day off. Been to one and half an hour walk. Can feel anxiety piling up, So came home to rest. Think going for a cat nap to refresh. From now, I have increased working hours, a little anxiety provoking, but should be okay. I am used to getting sick after a few days good, then pick up again. Hope it will go well. Have safe and good day at work. Take good care.

Re: Good Morning!

I’m okay ish @greenpea . I am home from hospital and finding my feet again. 

Thanks for thinking of me, I appreciate your kindness.

It is strange because I’m still having the strangest paranoid thoughts but I guess that goes with the illness really. For example I was sure there was a man on the bus going to the footy yesterday who I was sure was a terrorist. Turns out he was just anxious about his bag being searched by security. I was almost in meltdown mode again but got through it.

Hope you’re okay?

Re: Good Morning!

@Meowmy  Hi Meowmy I hope you had a nice cat nap after doing another long walk. I am looking forward to hearding off tomorrow morning for my walk at the crack of dawn :).I hope your anxiety is leaving you alone and you can enjoy a 'pea'ceful afternoon. Love greenpeaxxxHeart

Re: Good Morning!

@Queenie  can completely understand paranoid thoughts but had a win last friday I ate a cupcake in the car for the first time in months!!! That was a huge win as I haven't been able to get or drink anything out of the house for ages. Hopefully it will continue :D. I am really happy that you are out of hospital and hope that things will improve for you my dear friend Queenie xxxx

Re: Good Morning!

@greenpea hey,lovely, feeling better. After cat nap. Anxiety is ok atm. How is your cleaning going? I have left over from last night, so no need to cook for dinner. What are you having ? I saw a recipe making spring onion pancakes.May go and get some spring onion. How is your hand shaking? I get them when I am uptight. They come and go. I am a bit shaky atm. I think is because stepping up at work. I want to step up a bit for better pay. So I can go more for walk with coffee and lunch and take my friend who is single mother out more often. Also I was thinking may be I think too much rubbish when I am not occupied enough. Hope your afternoon is nice and pleasant. Hope to talk soon.