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Re: Good Morning!


Good morning to my Forum Friends. Hope you have a beaut day.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Ant7 and @CheerBear - nice to wake up to your greetings. Have a lovely day. 

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Re: Good Morning!

Morning @Ant7@CheerBear@soul, hope you all had nice sleeps 💤💤💤

Re: Good Morning!

Morning @Ant7 🙂 Did you get yoir dinners sorted yesterday? I did as much as my little could cope with, then made a yummy dinner that only one ate :S Gave myself points for trying at least.

Good morning @soul - nice to see you 🙂 A turtle mentioned that calling past the yoga thread last night helped cheer them up. It did for me too, big time. I love our forum yoga class, which you are a seriously enormous part of. It makes me smile, thanks Soul.

Good morning @Former-Member 🙂 I noticed you had another long night 😞 Sorry to hear that. Are you going to be able to catch up with some rest today? Are yours on school holidays from this afternoon?

Any plans for today?

Hi @Maggie, @Former-Member and a heap of people I don't want to tag until it's a bit more not so early o'clock 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Former-Member - how are you today?

Re: Good Morning!

Yes - the yoga thread is one of my favourites @CheerBear - a release from problems. I find it very uplifting too. 

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Re: Good Morning!

Morning @CheerBear and @soul,

no sleep last night😴. Pretty much lost it, did the wrong thing, got mad at myself and yea that was my night. Yes my little ones are on holidays from this afternoon. Lucky they are old enough to fend for themselves. I think today will be another day of baby steps😞

Re: Good Morning!

That sounds tough @Former-Member 😞 Your 'wrong' thing maybe was not the most helpful thing to do, but maybe it was the right thing for you right at that time so you could get through the night (I have no idea what the thing was but you're here this morning and that's good). Baby steps sounds like a good plan for the day.

Good to hear that your littles are fairly able to fend for themselves. School holidays can be challenging for a few around here (and have their good bits as well).

Re: Good Morning!

Go gently @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

I just think I need a new safety plan @CheerBear