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Re: Good Morning!

..keep at it @MDT  did you read/watch Catch 22 yet? or Dr Strangelove  re perspective

Mayor of Casterbridge okay too, thats only in print tho think lol

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Re: Good Morning!

Just pulled bamboo blinds down and saw a gecko in the garden - a distant cousin of mine! lol @TAB @StuF. Its quite stifling out there with the heat

Re: Good Morning!

lol @Former-Member  .. feeling a bit ok a lot frazzled after running around this morning, getting lost, buy stuff off fb  got a good cheap wool blanket  and a cooks copping block, really heavy. really thick solid wood. will put between sink and stove where there is a gap lol, bit more food prep space as well

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Re: Good Morning!

I got to clean my kitchen @TAB @StuF but am not feeling up to it. Its just too hot to do anything.  Got a phone call from LaTrobe Finance - they only ring if they can sign you up to new "products" I told them I was a pensioner on a limited income so no money.  

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah @Former-Member  - kitchen can wait 🙂


Hopefully La Trobe will get the hint and not call any more

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Re: Good Morning!

@StuF had the same issue with one credit union. They try and build relationships only with people with money. You just say youre a pensioner and they don't call anymore!  Yeah not doing anything in the kitchen. My kitchen looks like Hiroshima right now. Cleaned it up last week 

Re: Good Morning!

I guess that's one good thing about being on the pension @Former-Member  - limits nuisance calls! lol


Well, the kitchen is a mess for good reason- you cook etc!

Anyway, it will still be there tomorrow 🙂

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Re: Good Morning!

Yeah totally agree unless its a scam of some sort @StuF. You certainly know who your friends are on a pension though.  You learn that very quickly.  Just going through e-mails today. Bread should be cooked soon.

Re: Good Morning!

Hope the bread is awesome @Former-Member !


I love fresh bread...I suspect what you are making differs significantly to what I'm picturing in mind's eye, but as long as you enjoy it!

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Re: Good Morning!

Its a low.carb/gluten free option @StuF so it doesn't rise as well as other breads. I don't buy bread from the supermarket anymore. Its a way to keep my weight down. I had a friend who used to make artisan bread with all kinds of "birdseed" in it. When I was with my ex I used to bake spelt for his work lunches.


I know of people that just bake with standard flour these days to save money on supermarket bought bread. Its really affordable. I save a lot of money baking my own these days. I could bring the price down even lower by baking with coconut or almond flour.


But for now I have a whole drum of lentils which I learned I can grind in a coffee grinder and make a protein bread loaf. Never tried that before but I'll let you know how I go with it