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Re: Good Morning!

Thats no good @saturnzoon I hope it works, just so long as exhaust goes outside the window, you should be right. When I had my portable aircon got some industrial felt material which I used as an insulation sheet to put where the exhaust went out so no heat could get in the house. So the exhaust was nice and snug. How is the unit going now? Are you getting relief from the heat?


Hello @Appleblossom hope you are doing ok.  Nice to see you still on the forums. What is happening in your neck of the woods?

Re: Good Morning!

Yes  @Historylover .   Laughing is the only option,  or cringing if your me.  I hope my correction edit 

worked.   I'm dyslexic so it can look the bee's  knees to me,  but if your on the receiving end,  I bet even the blowflies blush.   Ignorance is bliss,  providing your me.    So mate,  I'm doing really well, all things 

considered.  How have you been mate.   

I'll take a wild guess and say . .   your good.   Socializing at the tennis,  and bubble butt  ogling at lawn bowls.   If there's better ways to make a man feel alive,  Please,  somebody tell me.


Mmmm,    Might have to look into the lawn bowls.   I reckon your onto something there  History Lover.


Well.   Take care my friend.                      tonys..

Re: Good Morning!

Hey  @Appleblossom   So ,   it sounds like you went away on a trip.  Any clues.  Melbourne has been awash so maybe QLD.    Well,  have a great trip Appleblossom.


@saturnzoon .   Wow.!,  You scored an  AC.   Now,  wrap the heat exhaust pipe in a fire blanket so it doesn't heat the room and look for leaks.  Whilst not as good as one that is fitted to the window or a split system,  at least its a start.  Please let us know how its going.


@Glisten ..  Life is held together with duct tape you say,  and its true.  Some days its just fingernails clinging to our last hope. 

Think we can all relate to this.  


There's a certain sadness in the truth of it.


Hope you all got through the day unscathed.   


@Former-Member   @StuF   @TAB   @Meowmy  @Shaz51  @Tilz @Historylover   @MDT  and all,   just making there way.

have a beaut eve..



Re: Good Morning!

Watched mummy returns tonight

Not bad film haha

Nite all

Re: Good Morning!

@tonys I love this woman! Thank you! I just adore this YouTube video of her.

Re: Good Morning!

I new you'd    For you,  anything mate.  Sleep sound .     @Glisten                                     tns.

Re: Good Morning!

Hello GOOD MORNING buddies. I am still up north and it is early.

Hoping you all have a decent day. 

@Former-Member @MDT @Glisten @tonys @StuF and all....




Re: Good Morning!

I'm pleased to read that you sound to be recuperating well, @tonys. I'm plodding/trudging on as it's hard to avoid the necessity of putting one foot in front of the other each day. I'm actually playing indoor carpet bowls, not lawn bowls, @tonys, and they are all females except for one brave male. Same principle but played indoors on a smaller mat. I tried lawn bowls but the vibe there wasn't acceptable. I'm hoping indoor bowls proves to be different in the longer term. It's been fun to date. 


I've also been studying tennis technique on youtube and I think that if I can throw the serve ball high enough and straight enough, then hit it, I might struggle through. It's all in the serve and getting it over the net. I just hope my body doesn't let me down. 


Well, have a good day, @tonys 😎.

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Where are you @Appleblossom on holidays or something? Up north? In Queensland??? In any case I hope you are enjoying yourself

Re: Good Morning!

Up north  @Appleblossom .. ?   Well there's a big clue.     Ok ,  I'm just going to throw a dart at a map 

and I'll pretend your there.   Oh  sh$t ..  Landed in the sea..  Got your bathers mate..  Kidding...

Have a bunch of fun mate.


@Historylover   You and one other fella, stranded on a green carpet Island with wall to wall woman..

                         mate,  all I'm seeing is a sure fire cure for the blue's.     Just kidding. . . again.

    Bowls without sun n rain.  That makes good sense.   

The tennis serve.  How big is your bucket 

of balls.?  The pivot  on the toes,  forward lean and crunching of stomach muscles.  

Hour after hour I spent on nothing but the serve for one reason.  If they ever got my serve back at me,

my game was sunk.  I had the agility of a sloth.


My policy was,   A perfect serve leaves a large exit hole.   They bleed out . .   you win..  LoL   😋


I think you are to be commended for getting out there and giving life a go.    Here's a tip.

Unless it's doubles,  I found the more I lost,   the more they liked me. . .          


Hi @TAB All settled in and taking it easy I hope.  Bit of heat on the march.  Good to get away now n then hey.   Dare I ask how's the diet. ?  


Good morning all  @MDT   @Glisten   @Former-Member   @saturnzoon how's  the air con ?

@Meowmy and  @StuF  enjoy the drive  'home'  from work  you pair,    

Have a special day all.                                                                                                               tonys