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Re: Good Morning!

Things will turn out nice for you @saturnzoon because everyone elses successes are yours ❤️ It may take a while to iron out the problem as the planet of communication - mercury is retrograde (rx).


Lots of mishaps to do with communication with mercury rx.


It goes direct in the first few days of January so things should be better by then 🙂


I remember getting hooked up to NBN during a mercury rx and it was a really major problem. It took several weeks to fix the isssue while mercury's apparent backward motion in the skies.


I hope things get sorted out for you soon. I'm sorry you have to face all this but sounds like you have a good support worker to advocate for you.


Any ideas about getting some food relief? ❤️

Re: Good Morning!

hope it works out with optus @saturnzoon  they were cheap, but i dont want them to give me ID away again so i pay extra for telstra. better coverage even if they have put prices up recently

Re: Good Morning!

Thank you @TAB @SmilingGecko I have found food barns and food parcels around our area that can help.

Thinking maybe in New Year find another company for internet and phones

Re: Good Morning!

things can vary from cash to awful baked beans no one would eat re charity places @saturnzoon 

if phones pre paid its easy, get support worker to do it lol 

Re: Good Morning!

I hope you will be allright @saturnzoon it just sounds like you are at the end of your tether right now with all this rubbish going on. Lets hope something can be done for you. Youre such a gracious woman and you deserve a good stroke of luck. Put your wishes out into the cosmos and let the services be available to you ❤️

Re: Good Morning!

That I will do @SmilingGecko it's time for things to turn out for the better. 

@TAB unfortunately my number is on a plan which I can't change, it's a bit complicated all because of my oldest son and his phone 

Re: Good Morning!

hmm @saturnzoon  think can change numbers no matter what  , dunno esp re hangers on

Re: Good Morning!

Well that certainly got complicated, @TAB. I hope you get some value for your money.  

Re: Good Morning!

Sounds delicious, @SmilingGecko. It's good that you enjoy cooking so much. Variety and healthy for you. 

Re: Good Morning!

yes, well hopefully @Historylover 

The guy from place which is doing bridging course said he would help out with networking and resume when I finish the actual cert IV  course, so how about that ? guess they get funding to do that