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Re: Good Morning!

@StanD hey doll, I have been preparing for the new moon on Monday myself. Its in Scorpio. Its great for new moon wishes. I usually set aside 30 minutes or so to write down my new moon wishes and incubate them under a copper pyramid.


If I can get photographs will send you excerpts from a book on what to wish for under a scorpio new moon. Hopefully I can get my phone camera to take some good shots for you. New moon wishing gives your life added traction


But for now you can take an epsom salt, ordinary sea salt and bicarb soda bath to detox you energetically and spiritually to make way for the new lunation on Monday - clearing out old energy so to speak so you can seed the new. Its what astrologers do and its known as a detox bath.


We are in the balsamic phase of the moon right now ie within 72 hours of the new moon which is ripe for setting intentions. Anything you intend to happen now will start to magnify after the scorpion new moon. You will attract these things governed by scorpio into your life.


Just a caveat, please check if salt baths are ok for you.


Some sea salt contains added iodine ie known as "iodized salt" on the label which you don't want in a bath.


I go with himalayan salt usually which is safe and is not iodized.


Bicarb is easy to buy and so is Epsom. 


You can also add essential oils but take care not to add anything that is not suitable for bathing in. Have respect for essential oils when using them


Check online if salt baths are contraindicated for you. They seem harmless enough for most people but can raise blood pressure if you have hypertension. There may be other contraindications I don't know about. Be wise and exercise a precautionary principle before trying it.  But most people can enjoy salt baths without any issue whatsoever. Just take added care 


I will try send you pictures of the new moon astrology book chapter on Scorpio and what to wish for under that lunation and your new moon wishes will garner added potency.


Sending you joy,

S.G 🦎

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks for the thought, @StanD. Just being lazy here, but it is Sunday.

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @StanD 


Thanks for sharing in your post!


The Guidelines state in Anonymity:


  • any other information by which you could be identified in real life.

So a vehicle of any sort whether it's registered or maybe in the future could be identifiable information. 


So it would breach the Guidelines and wouldn't get approved.


Thank you


Re: Good Morning!

@StanD   hey hun take good care of yourselfx

Re: Good Morning!

Not looked in 50 years @Historylover  parker and schaeffer used to make them . 

Were cheap ones they used in Art at school just a nib w plastic handle

Re: Good Morning!

@Appleblossom   A juicy Lucy burger. .  really.  I want one.  I can see it.


Nah  Appleblossom.  If I could change..  I'd a done it by know. I like my bent outta shape  bus.  Funny thing..  The Rn sprayed coffee all over me when she read "science boy'  .  Given the circumstances I should take things seriously but I don't want to add to the cloud cover.   Hey,   rehearsals. appleblossom.  Your best performance yet.  Nothing less will do.   


 Knock em dead kiddo..             tonys..

Re: Good Morning!

@Appleblossom  What instrument do you play?

Re: Good Morning!

most people can barely read cursive these days let alone write it @Historylover 

my mother used to hate my handwriting. \

Have you ever read a handwritten letter by a German ? their handwriting all looks the same lol


Re: Good Morning!

I've read Old German hand-written documents with the help of a 'translator' I devised to help me understand the squiggles. Then there's Black Letter which is gorgeous. I don't suppose you've researched your genealogy, @TAB? German documents are a joy to work with; each family entry has multiple generations and are genealogists' delight.


I have read modern German letters but I don't remember the handwriting. I have noticed American writing which is somewhat generic in style and very nice. Never mastered neat writing myself either. I came to write something recently and found I'd almost forgotten how to write anything longer than a shopping list. We are losing all skills. 

Re: Good Morning!

no , not done any geneology @Historylover  sister went on some site , think they got to great grandparents on fathers (german) side but that was prob by memory.

ok to me it all looked like this , from rels and father who where bornin 20s and30s


..when paper is white and ink black and not blurred its not that hard to make out ..