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Re: Good Morning!

I like the free daily I Ching readings on @Historylover They provide a backdrop for the day. I think you will like your explorations into this. I love divination. I follow a few divination systems. Have a nice day at the library. I need to go there shortly and get a book on crypto



Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Former-Member @Historylover @TAB @MDT @tonys 

👋🏼 Good morning all Forumites because I can’t remember your handles 😬

Re: Good Morning!

Pleased to see your money is still safe until you know enough, @Former-Member. I have to wait for the library to open, but I'll have a look on while I'm waiting.

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning, @Glisten. I hope you day pans out well for you.

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Re: Good Morning!

Yeah @Historylover just wanting to avoid the high prices of electricity which are set to double by next year. We are seeing this allready in other parts of the world. I hardly use any electricity anyway. My local library is really modernised now. I love the Australia-wide loans you can get which means you are more likely to get what you want nowadays. 

Re: Good Morning!

.. Good Morning @Glisten  😊

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @TAB @Glisten @Historylover 


Having an interesting day looking at astrology.  I follow a local astrologer and we are expecting droughts with saturn (restriction) in pisces (water)


The last times we had this configeration with saturn in pisces (see below) was droughts in the British Isles 1909 heatwave, 1934-35 North American excessive heat and drought, 1965-68 East Australian drought and Tasmanian bushfires, 1991-1995 Queensland droughts with severe El Nino patterns.


So we will see lots of heat and not much water until February in 2026 when saturn comes out of pisces. We've been told this in the news but astrology confirms this and when this crazy weather pattern actually ends.


All the droughts below occured throughout history when saturn was in pisces


Screen Shot 2023-11-01 at 1.00.52 pm.pngScreen Shot 2023-11-01 at 1.01.39 pm.pngScreen Shot 2023-11-01 at 1.01.48 pm.pngScreen Shot 2023-11-01 at 1.02.05 pm.pngScreen Shot 2023-11-01 at 1.02.28 pm.png  

Re: Good Morning!


The job has its dull moments but I don't think it's an excuse to react in a childish way. And to be so dismissive of others who wish to help.

Childish. Simple. Go get a job elsewhere.

Other colleagues have noticed it too.

One of the co managers

Time to escalate

But after I eat and then it's quiet lol

I think I just hate people with bad work ethic but who are vocal about it.

Re: Good Morning!

Whats dandelion tea like ? @Former-Member

Re: Good Morning!

Lol about trump @TAB @Former-Member

Though my concerns are actually about the movement of the hard right. Moreover than anything.