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Re: Good Morning!

My blood used to be really thick @TAB prior to blood irradiation using a laser device. It was almost impossible to do a blood draw but now the blood comes out of my veins easily. Would have to drink tonnes of water prior to going to the lab but still made no difference! It was a good investment.  

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @JRMum

Had work today

Do hope you're well

Welcome to the forums! Don't believe I've seen you before

Re: Good Morning!

Hope you're well forumites

Take care

Re: Good Morning!

Some colleagues of mine were acting like teenagers today

Absurd. Should give them the boot and give their job to someone who wants it. Entitled toerags

Re: Good Morning!

..bit judgey Hams ?  @MDT  well you've got it out now anyways.  bit like the old 'write a letter and go out in back yard and burn it' thing I guess lol

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Re: Good Morning!

@TABI'm up early. Had a dandelion root tea. Have ordered in bulk. Thinking of having lemon water each morning as my liver still isn't in good shape apart from having got rid of fatty liver. Years ago would go into a venue and the environment from pokies nearby used to really affect me. Read somewhere that it was a sign liver wasn't doing as well as it should. Any time a negative environment impinges on your sense of self its likely due to be a toxic liver. Heard it from a healer and saw it on an astrology transit so had to do something about it. Possibly due to years of being on mega doses of heavy duty psych meds.  Anyway on my next leg of my healing journey.  

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning @Former-Member  yes, liver is fixable if not too far gone. most life style related re fatty etc

I had that coffee a few times and a tablet that was mix of that and the other most common 'liver tonic' and did not agree w me. the other , more common these days (?) tonic at very least settles my digestion, but not really supposed to take it re thinners as has that effect as well. wouldnt you think with all these things that are also thinners, could just work out a dose thenwould not need dedicated , single purpose thinners. ok Big Pharma.

Just been watching clips on Trump cheating at golf. he regularly kicks his ball in from the rough, threw opponents ball from right next to tee into bunker, takes puts ie like ball close to hole, so pushes it in saying I would have got that, even been known to take a hole with his ball in bunker in worse spot than opponents, 'oh i would have got that' ..

then all clips of him speaking in tongues or whatever , cannot finish a sentence as senile, yet when Fox and Murdoch got him elected, these things werent issues.

Also read that Murdoch press in aust now seen as political campaign organisation, eg they were the No Campaign recently.

Coffee time. Not Dandelion. lol

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Re: Good Morning!

@TAB I think Murdoch would have been a Yes campaign. It was designed to take sovereignity away from first nations people and bring them all under the UN. That was the plan. I just didn't trust the yes vote no matter how warm and fuzzy it came across. Just don't trust government even though it was touted as being good for aboriginal people. Saw a video on a channel from an aboriginal lawyer and "keeper of natural law" and she was against it, so were so many other aboriginal people she presented in her discussion. Aboriginal people have been done over by governments from the beginning which is another reason why I voted No.


The media tends to show Trump in a bad light as he has exposed a lot of corruption. They use caricatures and present him in a bad way to try and sway public opinion and it works because the public believe the way its being sold to them. I don't deny him his wealth and am happy for his success. The court case hes been facing has been run by illegal democrats trying to frame him and set him up.  I'm more Republican than Democrat. Democrats are too woke for my liking and have bankrupted the USA, plus they're a bunch of marxist communists that have destroyed that country.


Dont worry theres always ways around healing. I used to see people having open access to alternative healing because they could afford it.  I hardly paid a cent and got the same level of healing by following all kinds of health summits online, curezone and sound audios.  It CAN be done. I used to be a disabled invalid after what psychiatry did to me. There is hope!

Re: Good Morning!

Well, agree to disagree then , re post -truth Trump Era  and claims made by by mining billionaire funded organisations and the Murdoch media

I would say the opposite re Herr Drumpf (his real family name) he is a criminal and a nutbag.

His father was a slumlord who used to collect 10c pieces from washing machines tenants were forced to used in his Rolls Royce lol .Elizabeth Trump stayed involved in the family business throughout her life. In her 70s, she allegedly collected coins from the laundromats in Trump buildings.[1] (Trump family biographer Gwenda Blair heard this from Elizabeth's grandchildren.[17]) However, this may only be a family parable, as it has been associated with others in the family. Harry Hurt tells the story that Mary Trump, the wife of Elizabeth's son Fred, "drove back and forth between her husband's apartment projects in a Rolls-Royce, collecting coins from the washing machines in the laundry rooms."[18] and during his 2016 presidential campaign, Elizabeth's grandson Donald Trump told a crowd in Staten Island that he had spent "probably five" boyhood summers there collecting coins from his father's laundry machines.[19]

The grandfather was an army deserter, a cannibal and a p!mp who served up long dead frozen horse burgers to his brothel customers after surviving on human flesh on his way to klondike..

this is where he got his values from, ie he has None.

and this has been proven hundreds if not thousands of times, he also tried to stage a coup after not accepting the election process. 

He is nearly broke, does not pay bills, been bankrupt 20 times . these are facts. 

Re skewed media coverage, well its been postive, else how would a charlatan rapist bankrupt sociapath criminal become President ?

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Re: Good Morning!

@TAB Wikipedia is a highly censored "encyclopedia" full of dubious "factoids" even the former founder of wikipedia said so. You won't get reliable info from wikipedia at all. If you want an online encyclopedia with greater reliability that is not censored or full of propaganda you have to go elsewhere to a decentralised database.


Wikipedia controls the flow of information and determines what the public must think. I would never go to Wikipedia and use them as a "call to authority" for facts about anything. I had a whole list of encyclopedias that were not subject to censorship and listed as being more reliable than Wikipedia. But I don't trust Wikipedia as a reliable news source for anything. I simply won't read it based on what I was educated to know


You also say Trump was a rapist yet he was never convicted or prosecuted. These are just claims. I don't know about the other claims you mentioned. Most people in governments are charlatans and sociopaths. I would not know if this applies to Trump. But if he was a sociopath he would be in collusion with the deep state not trying to expose them.