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Re: Good Morning!

very good @Former-Member  was an eating plan, Not doing it as said.

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Yes @TAB, you said. I just happened to see it on twitter. What are you doing today? I'm getting my lawns mowed and cleaning up the kitchen.

Re: Good Morning!

I always wondered just who it was got up so early to flip the suns switch on.   Thankyou @Former-Member 

@TAB    What on earth are you doing my friend.  Can't we just pop a cork,    chill out,   and have a good old fashioned  mid life crises together.   Kidding mate.  You'll work through it.  Just go easy.

@Glisten   you OK mate..

@MDT   @Historylover  @Shaz51 @StuF  and  every one.    Thinking of you all as you make your way,    one more day,   down the vibrant streets of your lives.


Oh Smiling Gecko,   how did your sweet potato treats turn out.


Pannikin in hand.   .   .  Please mam,    Can I have some more.    Dickens.                                 tonys  



Re: Good Morning!

10.01am and I'm just taking in my 2nd cup of coffee here, @Former-Member. Then it will be on to the keyboard for a practice session. Baking a French Apple Flan today.


Re: Good Morning!

Not terribly vibrant in my street, @tonys, but it'll do. Baking, keyboard practice and a walk will punctuate my day today. I hope yours is a good one.

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Historylover that sounds nice. Its quite cold, wearing my snow thermals today in Melbourne. @tonys yes always up early, the sweet potato bites turned out delicious. I eat them as snacks as part of my diabetic diet.  Historylover I will be having a quiet day. 

Re: Good Morning!

@tonys  Thank you very much for checking in on me 💞 

Yesterday, Monday, was a big day.

My last session with my Psychologist Hora from UQWY (University of QLD With You) 

An Iranian feminist, spoke 3 languages. Started with a Philosophy degree. Studied Philosophy of Emotion, Masters in Feminism.

Iran has free university education!

I learned a lot from her and I will continue to evolve.


Interview with Weeding Women for a couple of days casual work. I find out Wednesday if I made the cut.

Coincidentally we both had career backgrounds as Electorate officers for MPs, her’s Federal, mine State. It’s not a common line of work.


Dropped by to see my daughter who needs matching bricks for an exterior door renovation. The search continues.


Women’s Shed group, like Men’s Shed. Two days ago I out’d myself as a Domestic abuse survivor on the group’s Facebook page. They responded with compassion and held space for me. It created an opportunity for another woman to speak up about the loss of her daughter to leukaemia and how they celebrate her life 💞


Did as you suggested, put on something to watch and 2 hours later I was in a light coma. Big HUGS 

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member @tonys  was 110ks away finishing functional assessment for job that started 3 weeks ago , back today via GP and ED ha ha ha 

Re: Good Morning!

@Historylover  Ohhh yummy 😋 

Re: Good Morning!

Mmmm  ,  good   you sound a whole lot better  @Glisten    Ok well here goes.  Can you ask that incredible Iranian friend of yours.  .  .  . Is she single.              just  kidding.

Mate,  how about that young lady on the train that was attacked over not wearing the head gear.

Makes me so upset to think those thugs get away with that.   

Tell me something.  Is it true   even Cuba  has free education,       and  health care.   So..  tonys a bit thick  sometimes.  Its Meds dependent.    Sometimes my two braincells revert to singular.

Are we talking weed  type weeds,  as in,   tiny little fingers ploughing the flower bed for unwanted greenery  ?.   

Mate,  If you can do that,  chuck an add in the paper.  Everybody is looking for house cleaning and gardeners.   Takes me ages to find them on the farm.  When I do,   they are usually untamed back packer fillies that down tools every chance they get and chuck tomatoes at my head..!  

Walk all over me they do.  Seriously though,   not sure where you are but there is a lot of work out there,   especially where the high-rise stops and the cows start.   


No. . .  I've never heard of an electoral officer.  Not a job I could do, I'd be cheating all over the place and the greens would end up running the joint.     


Tonys reno tip..    Tell your daughter to get the paint roller.  Mix all the old tins together and give all them bricks a good old fashioned jam coat of paint..   

Well,  Now I know your smiling...    I'm smiling.

Have to go,  Rns trying to get a  blood sample and my sump oil won't go through the needle.


Keep   shining   Glisten..                                                                 tonys..