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Re: Good Morning!

@TAB well, going for a tooth extraction without anaesthetic is either brave or ?  I would say crazy, but prob not appropriate for SANE forums!

Why was no numbing done?  No wonder you're still in pain.  ughhhh, the Dentist 😞

Do you want the job?  Do you want to pass the medical?  Can you just pass one medical, and then all are passed?  I don't know about these things.

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon, I read today a really good phrase about time, but can't remember it (of course).  

Hope everyone's enjoying their day.  @tonys thanks for the good morning.

Re: Good Morning!

@tonys Yes, you've given me a seed but not sure if I want to plant it.  Disability work is just as challenging as working with young minds.  I was kinda hoping for some mindless inane data entry?


Re: Good Morning!

i yelled in pain just having needle, could have told you liquid was swirling, they didnt wait long pretended to give me more, again didnt wait that had me yelling again think they planned it that way, they prob took it themselves or whatever @JRMum  i usually err on side of caution re dental pain 

  • do i want the job ? i want the money and to be able to work and not worry about having finite and shrinking resources. as have hear others say recently if working in retirement theres no money worries
  • do i think will pass? likely not. 

they dont share things. have done like 6 medicals in 12 months huge scam. if with the one company its usually good for 1-2 years

yes, there used to be a 'card' that said you were good to go, guess did not suit people in power

Re: Good Morning!

Yep @TAB - something about Dentists, they like to inflict pain!  Are you doing this through the public system?  So sorry if you are, they're all beasts.


That would be an excellent idea, to just do the one assessment of whether you passed the medical for all jobs you apply for.

I definitely agree with those that say when you are working at retirement age you are doing better.  Not that I'm there just yet, but have to consider it as part of my future.

Good luck in your choices with this. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders.  Brene Brown says to trust your intuition - that we don't rely on it because we don't practise using it.

I really need a job, so that I feel like I'm contributing.  Whatever way that is.  I'll keep applying.

Re: Good Morning!

it sounds like i should have known better re this dentist , but was emergency and was months wait to get in anywhere else. in hindsight should have tried other towns @JRMum  think  this place relies on govt referrals 

i dont care about contributing so much as society doesnt do much for me. Its just something to do , and yeah , tied in with self worth etc , messy.  although a month or two a year casual would do me lol  quite happy to lie around the rest of the time

Re: Good Morning!

Goodness thats  one awesome looking "azalea" is it ? .     left the Dandenong's after Ash Wednesday a long time ago @Historylover .  The magnificent mountain ash never left me though. I'm on NSW north coast.   Spent my life planting shade where ever I went.  The mood of the landscape ill-tempered no mater where, we go these days.  Wonder if we have worn out the worlds welcome mat.   

One more day,   one more crop,   one more love,   We never seem to give up hope though do we.


You find a way, people always do.      Look forward to you progress friend.                             tonys


Re: Good Morning!

Long time ago I travelled for many years in a motor home, picked fruit,  did what ever,   where ever.    No plan was a good plan.  Did a lot of healing and self discovery.  Met every kind and every culture.


@JRMum ,   Just one more of many idea's . . .  and then one day something just,     comes along .


That time just before you know what's going to happen,  I like that the best.   


Cross roads.     tonys.

Re: Good Morning!

Hello  faith and hope.  I'll take a double helping of both those things. .. with sprinkles.   @Faith-and-Hope   Thankyou.

Have a relaxing eve.. and bright day tomorrow.          tonys. 

Re: Good Morning!

Morning forumites
Have a good day