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Re: Good Morning!

thank you. @Blackbird11 

I'm feeling despondent and inert and struggling to get motivated. I have a lot to do. 

I have managed to do just a couple of tiny portioned activities, but am so darn exhausted and listless. 

This makes me feel even more overwhelmed and failing...

It's almost midday.

How do I keep on for a while more this afternoon without becoming bed bound again?? 


This "thing" is utterly maddening...I could cry

Re: Good Morning!



Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Kyle1 

Progress isn't linear and feeling the feels like you are is challenging. Can you make a list and prioritise each item in order of importence?  Can you break things up and have drinking/eating breaks. There's a quote I use to help me through sometimes "do something today your tomorrow self will thank you for" 

You can also talk to us here...1800 187 263. Hope this helps

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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Kyle1 I used to be bed bound for years with chronic fatigue so I fully understand the feelings of being incapacitated and not being able to face the day ahead. I could not do much either and everything was so overwhelming. This went on for many many years.  It is not very nice to live with and also have to put up with other peoples judgements about what you can or can't do. I don't know your other health issues but these are some of the strategies I used to use:


* Legs up the wall yogic posture: which is great rejuvenating posture. If I felt in need of much rest and even sleeping or just relaxing wasn't working I would do this. It was in my emergency toolkit. It is so self soothing that it will restore your body to do the things you want to do.  Its a lovely easy posture you just lie flat on the floor with your sit bones against the wall and work your legs up the wall into a vertical position. Please check for contraindications. I dont know if you can do this during your menses, so please check. But you will feel rejuvenated afterwards


* Pietersite crystal: My fatigue used to be so overpowering that at times I would even fail to find a comfortable space to recover. Pietersite creates a beautiful holding space like a lovely energetic cocoon that blocks out the world and enables to to enjoy resting no matter how frayed your nerves are. You will feel held and the outside world will not impinge on your ability to rejuvenate and you will find your strength recovering. Its a favorite of mine as its such a beautiful stone to work with.  I love the feeling it creates. Its like an ICU of the crystal world.


I hope you feel better soon lovely woman, these are some of the things that worked for me

Re: Good Morning!

thanks @Former-Member 

I don't have but one crystal atm...obsidian

But I can certainly try the wall posture.

I don't even have to worry about menses!! 🙂🙏

Re: Good Morning!

..pity I had to rush off to the dentists after posting that @Faith-and-Hope  ha ha lol




@hanami .. most of my Sane email notifications are now landing in my inbox and not in spam.Had decided fault was at my end and was going to get someone to look at it lol

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks for letting us know @TAB ! 😄

Some odd things have been going on re techy stuff....not sure about it all myself lol.

But am passing on updates to the team (who are way better at that stuff that me)

Re: Good Morning!

I thought about it and realised I had had other things playing up as well @hanami  tried all the usual , dunno. touch wood

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Kyle1 

Feeling the feels like you are is difficult to overcome by yourself. Glad you've reached out. Be gentle with yourself at times like this, progress is not linear. Take lots of breaks to drink or eat something. 

You could try a make a list and put in order of importence. One thing I tell myself sometimes is, do something today you're tomorrow self will thank you for.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Good Morning!

Hey @TAB how did things go at the dentist? Is your tooth ok now? How are you feeling?