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Re: Good Morning


Yeah I renovated in my late 20-30s. The tradies are here for an insurance job due to a leak through a wall and mould, but it is a ridiculously fiddly small job.  The painter had less than 2 square metres to cover, but the insurance would cover him to do it.  The whole place does need an overhaul, not been done in 20 years and all the tradies could see that.


Tbh I have experienced a fair bit of misogyny about the right to have a half decent house and if I keep it clean, its not gratitude for it, but who am I trying to impress. 

Eye roll  ... weary sigh  ... 

I am so over it all ... but these tradies can tell I have really done the work and we are all getting along like a house ... not on fire. lol


Anyway, this guy today needs work and was very honest about his trauma and very experienced so I am happy to pass some work his way when i can afford it... in bits.



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Re: Good Morning

I have been told similar misogynistic things by men like having to shop at boutiques, be a homemaker and a hostess. Many women in psychiatric circles get told the same thing.  Its an attack on womanhood. I'm not interested in clothes, couldn't be bothered buying things for the house and certainly dont have money to feed others @Appleblossom. Its a very limited definition anyway I wouldn't want my life restricted to those parameters

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Re: Good Morning

Chakra Kriya is a new practice I'm doing. I've done chakra work for years & wasn't getting the results I wanted. Am doing a module has literally changed my life in terms of clearing biological energy pathways. I've never experienced anything quite like it.  It clears 114 chakras and opens all the nadis. I'm doing the mini course with this swami 🙂 


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Re: Good Morning

I like how you are assertive about what you believe @Former-Member 

I have to start believing I am worth it.

My disability support worker was telling me to dress better and getting me to shop when I wanted to go for walks and plenty good enuff clothes for walking thank you very much, and good enuff clothes even if some are 20 years old for various gigs.

I am always learning from people. 

From her it was I understood her trauma but no more bossing.  

3 gigs this weekend:

Tomorrow I sing soprano in big outdoor event, and the next day tenor in the morning at church pls blanket appeal, and bass recorder in arvo soiree.  Keeping Apple off zee streets.


Really feeling for Sinead O'C ... we had so much in common ... I never went punk but I knew quite a few .... 

Busy Busy.

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Re: Good Morning

I bought some resort wear which was eco-fashion and its seemed to have lasted the distance @Appleblossom Its so polluting (the fashion industry) anyway. Maybe your worker just wanted to give you a bit of a lift. Some women feel better if they have a new outfit. Its good you have those old threads. With venus retrograde I've been focussing on my own self love again, you can never have enough of it, always room for improvement! 


Good luck with your gigs. I used to sing in some choirs over the years. I'm not a great singer, my voice fits better in a group. You will enjoy performing, its something that you find fulfilling obviously. Yes I really felt for Sinead. She had a hard life with troubling family dynamics and was very alone. I'm glad her 17 year old son was there for her. Some said she eventually found happiness. I just don't like how she was treated generally. All these tributes flowing to a woman who had virtually nobody with whom she could trust. The world seems like such a cold place filled with people with absolutely no heart. People that could not extend human kindness or friendship to a woman who was deeply suffering. 

Re: Good Morning


I am def not a soloist, or a sexy crooner and probably very average voice, but I got some training tho I did piano as a major, I had to do voice as a minor and join 2 choirs in this church uni course and it was really good for me. My brother had just died, and singing in the group made me feel alive and gave me a path.  Cos of busy life I stopped singing for about 10 years but went back one night pw and now been singing for 15 years.  The weird thing is that singing teachers always try and push the voice up.  When I did tenor this week it felt so strange as I was not used to being so low in that register, but they said it sounded good and nobody else was doing it. So I filled a gap.  Dont think I always want to be that low.... for me its very much about the blend and harmony.

Good chatting.

Re: Good Morning

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Re: Good Morning

Good morning @TAB! Just put clothes on the - line its warmer windier weather. The clothes will dry. You can smell the pollen in the air. Got to tackle cleaning the bench. Will put it under the Daily Achievements thread

Re: Good Morning

Hey @Former-Member  ..exclamation marks indeed .. lol .. dunno whats going on here . not depressed. Bit seedy. washing to hang out shortly. need a shower, that will help. Oh. text f friend ok we hooked up a couple times years ago now, but still keep in touch for some reason.. well they sent pics from function after prof make up . Honestly did not recognise them. new hairdo , new teeth, put on weight, looked really healthy as opposed to jaundiced, thin and fixed eyeballs. looked 15 years younger. thing been to rehab , well quit smoking ..but jeez.. 


Re: Good Morning

G'day @TAB 


Happy Sunday everyone 🙂