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Re: Good Morning

met people who were well off before depression and lost a lot @Former-Member  my mothers side had nothing to lose. 

Fathers side they were running a bakery and used to send kids to collect debts.


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Re: Good Morning

@TAB @Former-Member Im in the asx

Re: Good Morning

.. you mean you invest ? @Former-Member  bit beyond me lol

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Re: Good Morning

Do trades in shares @TAB have made a bit in it too over the last 3 years

Re: Good Morning

cool @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning

Its hard to know what to do but I get a sense you need something that doesnt diminish in value like the dollar during hyperinflation. Pretty soon the dollar will be worthless while silver (relatively speaking) and gold hold value. I'm looking into participating in decentralised currencies (crypto) for that reason, just another option I hope may work.  I reckon were going to see strange things with the economy come October when we have a pair of lunar and solar eclipses. It will be a pivot point. I'm expecting some rather sudden changes @TAB @Former-Member based on astrologers I follow

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Re: Good Morning

The dollar always bounces back, in recent generations I have seen it fall due to pandemics, GFCs and the like, these events happen every 8-12 years. The market reacts, not responds, to these changes but bounces back to things gradually getting better @Former-Member .


I want to invest about 100k in to this and see where that will take me. Things like gold and silver are in the asx to invest in. Crypto is very risky for me as there is some skepticism about it, my brother in law has/had them, but if you go in 2008 or there about a when it started it might have been better. But that is just my opinion, I’m no expert, even in the asx I’m doing short term stuff, while the aim is long term. Just made a few bucks doing short term stuff and will opt for long term once I reach my goals there 

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Re: Good Morning

@TAB Same shi* here different day. Doing some engineering work, for some faulty valves on the ships. Not exciting stuff but pumps blood to the old brain.


what’s your day looking like?

Re: Good Morning

@MDT hey hams, thank you for guidance and advice. Self compassion saved my life this morning. Take care


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Re: Good Morning

Hello @Meowmy glad you made it through the day today.  Enjoy your evening. Just allow yourself to decompress for now - self care and looking after yourself is about showing self compassion ❤️ I'm about to go for another walk again