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Re: Good Morning

I'm 100ks down the road from where parents lived til last one dropped off @Former-Member  so not stomping ground only been here briefly 2-3x before over the years

Re: Good Morning

double yolkers not uncommon from own chooks when just started laying @Former-Member prob seen 10x as kid, never from factory eggs @tonys 

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Re: Good Morning

Oh I see @TAB.  When are you going back to W.A.? And whats this thing you mentioned about a possible covid lockdown again and border closures in W.A.? Did I read your comments correctly? I checked The Age and Herald Sun and saw nothing mentioned about another wave of covid or lockdown measures in place.  

Re: Good Morning

murdoch paper in SA they just make things up some people wearing masks now tho @Former-Member  I'm all over the shop want to buy house now. contacted agent.

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Re: Good Morning

Wishing you luck @TAB I'm glad you may have a property lined up. Its not mercury retrograde yet, but nothing major.  Mercury enters "shadow phase" next week on the weekend so the energy is slowly trickling through. It officially goes retrograde around 20th/21st.  Check for stuff like mold and get a building inspector to check out the place out so the foundations etc are secure.  Get a friend to go over contracts so you don't stuff it up with fine print.

Re: Good Morning

i dont care if it falls down @Former-Member  im not selling it lol its me for Life  cant see cracks 

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Re: Good Morning

I hope it works out @TAB this may be a lucky break. I'm so happy for you!  I bet whatever it is its nice 🙂 It was obviously worth coming to S.A. ❤️ but I do understand what you were up against with the type of stuff on the market. Saw a yuk den that looked like it was previously owned by a hoarder and another ramshackle place that looked so unhinged like out of a country western movie or something.

Re: Good Morning

.. I had a couple posts deleted @Former-Member  look up crystal brook and in price range lol 

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Re: Good Morning

I checked the suburb. Saw something. I think the interiors look neat. The outside of the property with no lawn but the insides pretty nice. You could always fix the garden yourself. The insides don't really need fixing up @TAB 

Re: Good Morning

its just been done hey @Former-Member  re pain, hws etc at least can drive thru to back yard not like place was renting in kalgoorlie lol could put a shed up once get settled main street walking distance, very neat and well looked after old buildings, offices for regional council there  plus big waterworks depot, might be able to get work there, I did my apprenticeship with them ok not at that depot but they know me still