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Re: Good Morning

@MDT you may need to see your GP to first to rule out bladder infection. If you pee in the middle of the night its not normal.  Your GP can organise a urine test and give you antibiotics.  I would do that first.


What I have instead is an overactive bladder and not bladder infection instead its usually a sign of ageing which I take pumpkin seed extract for.


But please see your GP as soon as possible, you got to get onto it as you could have infection. Its what I've been told in the past on separate occasions when I was younger by doctors and lab technicians

Re: Good Morning

G'day  @Former-Member @TAB @MDT @Shaz51 @greenpea  and all


I've been a bit absent- have been socialising more than normal and my brain's a bit jumbled too at the moment.


Anyway, hope you're all having decent days 🙂

Re: Good Morning


Re: Good Morning

Yeah I did a test a few months ago and it came back fine. No infections. I still pee though.
Its annoying to be woken up because I need to pee. Lol

Re: Good Morning

Hope the socialising had been good @StuF
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Re: Good Morning

Hello @StuF I hope your MH is ok.  But its good you are socialising though.  Wishing you a nice afternoon.  I have just been watching/reading journalism today and went for my morning walk.  Watched a good interview on lack of iodine in our diets and listened to another interview on global finance. Plus news article snippets.  I think I'm addicted to news.

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Re: Good Morning

Well I'm not a doctor so can't really comment @MDT it must be difficult for you waking up all hours and having to face work the next day.  Did your GP say what it was due to and provide followup advice? Or did they say it was an overactive bladder?

Re: Good Morning

Yeah @MDT 


It's been good socialising, but it takes it out of me!


MH is ok @Former-Member ...bit tired and stretched mentally, but a couple of good nights rest should do the trick 🙂

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Re: Good Morning

I've been playing mouse trap.  Had a mouse in the house and loaded a mouse trap with peanut butter. The trap has gone off and I think the mouse got caught. I have mouse bait but he wouldn't eat it.  Need to put some peppermint essential oil at entry points again. Wouldn't be surprised if we had a mouse plague in my district again.  I had a sonic device for years but I will say this - it doesn't work. So mouse traps it is. I put rubber gloves on while I load it up as I don't want the mouse sensing humans around the trap. So here we go trapping mice. Will set up another trap tomorrow lol Don't like vermin as its a health hazard.


@StuF @MDT @TAB @Shaz51 @hanami 

Re: Good Morning

Hi @Former-Member  just trying to sort internet , have stopped again after very short day today, left too late, re timezones etc, got tired , had to stop.

yes, mice here too apparently . unbelievably busy at motel, barely got a room, half the price of last night though ha ha.

yes, been in SA since this morning, not really got too far though. in Ceduna now. got cheese, salami etc , things here really really dear, used to be city prices at IGA .. not now lol 250g aust ordinary cheese coles perth just put up to $5.50 which is too dear for me as  500g is $7.50 ie Singles tax .. well 250g is $7.50 here ha ha ha lol 

Not moving from here til am rested  enough