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Re: Good Morning

Sounds intense @Former-Member  do they still do human sacrifice or just hit th' durries these days? 

Re: Good Morning

Whatever works for you @Former-Member  🙂

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Re: Good Morning

Shamanism is used to build and heal societies @TAB! 😉 The initiates they used to select and train were mentally ill. I had a naturopathic friend who was a shaman and she used to improvise and turn her steaming bathroom into a sweat lodge. She had also had a huge ceremonial drum made out of an old cyclindrical swimming pool filter which she stretched a huge piece of animal skin over, luckily no anthrax! lol @StuF 

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Re: Good Morning

Hi @Former-Member not pescatarian but almost. I also eat eggs and some diary.


Will look at buying frozen fish products. Makes sense 😊. I often but frozen veggies for the same reason.

Great food savings. Well done. Sounds like you are great at budgeting. .

Have a nice night. Off to yoga.

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Re: Good Morning

Yeah heard it straight from a fishermans mouth. Dietician said the same @Former-Member. I buy a large packet which lasts forever. You just don't know how long the fish has been sitting in the chilled display cabinet for. Good move. The fish won't go off in your fridge. Have fun at yoga. Its equinox the next 12 hours so may watch the sunset to align with the energy. Will be watching sunrise tomorrow.  Will do some Equinox yoga myself!

Re: Good Morning

@Former-Member @Judi9877 hey there. So nice to hear from you. Hope you both have a lovely evening. Take care

Re: Good Morning

Terrible internet here @Former-Member  

read recently US soldiers in ww1 got anthrax from cheap shaving brushes hundreds died 

Re: Good Morning

Hi @Judi9877 

Hope you had a wonderful day 🙂

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Re: Good Morning

No good about internet @TAB 


The animal skins when dried can cause anthrax. That was something that people new to shamanism did not know

Re: Good Morning

It was animal hair in shaving brushes @Former-Member  they were careful about it 50 years after in case was still infected