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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Bill16 just organising finances and about to do lunch. Got to clean my kitchen and then have a bit of a rest

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member @StuF @Dimity what do you reckon? Should I look for a partner that has an MI or not 

Re: Good Morning!

Interesting question @Bill16 


Personally, I don't think that would need to be a 'requirement'...How would you know to start with? And you'd be eliminating a fairly large chunk of society...


I think at the end of the day, a partner that understands, accepts and loves you for you etc is the 'standard' you should be looking for


My two cents anyway

(Oh, and I'm probably the Last person who should be giving relationship advice! Not exactly my forte lol)

Re: Good Morning!

That's cool @StuF I appreciate your 2 cents worth 

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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Bill16 @StuF @Former-Member @Dimity @TAB and other forum followers.

Happy Sunday. Have a great day keep warm and dry if your in Melbourne. If not enjoy the for us 😊.

Re: Good Morning!

Hi and Good Morning @Former-Member  hope your day goes okay, thanks for the tag, trying to get out for a walk this morning, been out of sorts since wednesday or so, just sleeping around the clock lol


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Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Former-Member @Historylover just cleaning parts of the house today bit by bit. BTW I notice electricity prices skyrocketing and are set to double soon so I've invested in some cheap solar powered lamps to have on inside the house at night. I learned the tip from The Herald Sun.


They suggest using garden lights that are solar powered. There are many types of solar lights to choose from but I bought lanterns off ebay which I can put easily next door to a window to get sunlight during the day over the solar panels to use at night in the house for lighting


I have LED lights normally as light fixtures which in the past would slash lighting bills by 75% but not now. So now I'm using solar powered lamps at night in the bathroom, computer room, kitchen and front door. My lighting would therefore be zero cost on my bill because I use solar power lanterns! I thought it was a nifty idea. I really got to get solar power for the roof but its not in my budget right now.


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Re: Good Morning!

G'day @Former-Member  and everyone


Windy here!


AvagoodSunday peoples

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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @StuF just cleaning the house a bit. What are you doing today? I hope youre having a nice Sunday. I'm just wondering about these skyrocketing electricity prices and how to keep costs down as they are going to double in price. Have been done some preparedness for next winter. But need foil in the roof for summer if the grid goes down

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah, house cleaning going on a bit here today too @Former-Member 


Finishing what I didn't do yesterday! lol


Energy is set to be a Massive thing in our lives for many years to come, I suspect. Good on you for trying to be a bit prepared at least.

I mean, it won't just be household costs that will be the problem, but of course that's all most of us have direct control over in terms of usage