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Re: Good Morning!

Very clever @Former-Member I had no idea this was a thing. 💛

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Re: Good Morning!

There are some people I've come across online over the past few years who prefer the natural way over commercial products @maddison its also cheaper and healthier.  Theres more folk than you think who live this way.  With prices of commercial products going up I thought I'd share 🙂 Some folk are worse than me and make their own foundations, hairsprays and creams.  I might learn how to do a hairspray next - its made out of distilled water, non-photosynthetic essential oils and sugar! lol

Re: Good Morning!

Hell yeah

Danger Hams


@TAB @Former-Member

Its nice out. Windy. But nice.

Water freezing
But yeah good to get fresh air.

Might go visit uni I never went to lol. Well, I went there for 4 months. Ha. Ha.

Had a good chat with gf last night. Her soul is beautiful just like she is

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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @TAB @Former-Member @MDT @maddison @StuF .

Hope you all have a great day.


@TAB I'm sure your bed needs you too.

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Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Former-Member just whipped up a batch of linseed DIY hairgel and am about to go outside to harvest some beetroot leaves to put in my freezer so I can cook with them.  I never knew you could use the leaves for eating!

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @MDT @Former-Member @Former-Member @maddison @TAB @Shaz51 @FloatingFeather @Paperdaisy @Snowie @Historylover @Former-Member @Former-Member @greenpea @StuF @Meowmy @Faith-and-Hope @Captain24 @Former-Member @outlander @tyme @BPDSurvivor @Beachboots @Kelly8 @yellowcorgi @OscarJones @Emelia8 @oceangirl and all forumites here. I hope you have a great day!


@MDT the beach trip sounds great! I hope you’ve got a nice day for it!

@Shaz51 I hope you’re keeping cool in your part of the world!


As for me, I’ve got a Telehealth appointment with my case manager this afternoon if she calls- very slack on catching up with me and fits me in when she remembers to call me for an appointment which I don’t like and hopes it’s okay with me. I put up with her because I have to as the other case managers are just as bad unfortunately. I’m also hoping to try and work on a cable scarf as well later today which I haven’t done for about a week as I’ve been too focused on knitting a blanket. 

Take care!


Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon everyone

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @Nemxa👋. I hope your day is going well. Good afternoon also to @hanami @EternalFlower and others joining here!


Take care!


Re: Good Morning!

Thank you having a werid in my head kinda day how about you @Judi9877 ?

Re: Good Morning!

Good Man Hams @MDT  sometimes you have to go and look for Life it doesn't always come to your Front Door. .