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Re: Good Morning!

Looking for a job @MDT that's certainly doing the hard yards. I find staying in the job harder. Menial work ( boring) which I have now and professional work in my sector, interesting but ( bitchy and competitive ) both tend to crash me out.


Goo I thought I was getting up early at 5.30 - 6.30.  At least you got your tax done. All I seem to manage is lots of coffee and light exercises.

Re: Good Morning!

guess that post  was for me @Former-Member 

joking re job . 2 weeks til hosp so not pushing it. Been sleeping heaps lately hence up early. I quit  jobs/assignments very oftenatm would prefer menial so long as whip not out

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Re: Good Morning!

Oops lol @TAB - her I hope your surgery isn't too serious.

Re: Good Morning!

idk not rated as 'major' @Former-Member  ok getting half thyroid removed

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Re: Good Morning!

Good luck with it @TAB 🍀🤞.

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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Former-Member @TAB @MDT @Bow @Former-Member Had a reasonable nights sleep with some lucid dreaming in the early hours.  Had some windy weather last night - was so noisy that I did not get off to sleep until 11pm.  Not much to report.  Haven't been feeling up to par with health issues but I will get there in the end! 🙂 

Re: Good Morning!

Yes @Former-Member  prepare for worst , hope for best

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Former-Member  trying to get organised to get a few things done today. I went back to sleep after being up 10mins hitting wall again. Just have to keep going

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Re: Good Morning!

I know @TAB youre doing very well. I just wish you had some walking by your side ❤️ Wanted to say we are inbetween eclipses and everything just seems so heightened and sensitised right now. I will have to check when its over.  I usually use sunstone crystal during this time to block out the destabilising energy. The solar eclipse is tomorrow.  From what I've read it falls over Russia and Ukraine. The eclipses usually follow a path across the world where there are sensitised areas.  In this case it falls (is visible) over Ukraine and Russia, wouldn't you guess? See map:


Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 11.24.00 am.png

Re: Good Morning!

..starting to think I may have to bail on rest of todays proposed missions. Cinema. well. pics wanted to see  no longer on.the story of my Life.

Swim .. not up to it, would sink

bike see above

ask about gym see above re energy/give a eff. levels

etc etc 

ok am out unless breakfast ha ha  @Former-Member