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Good Morning!

Re: Good Morning!

Im not even sure what the message was @MDT  that thr 1960s were way better?  Ok I don't usually look for themes. There had to be some though as awkwardness was created and reality sacrificed in some ways. 

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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @TAB cleaning the kitchen today.  I made a sale on ebay yesterday. Was wondering when I was going to sell the item.  I used to do some e-bay sales in the past.  I have an old moose head with antlers which I'm going to sell at the bric-a-brac place. Could not get the ID authentification to work on the clothes rental website I told you about.  They take a photo of your ID but its so hard to capture the picture.  I will try again.  But I think the moose head with antlers will sell.

Re: Good Morning!

Well hope pic works maybe use computer at library or something @Former-Member Yes trying to raid Super again here. Oh. That job hurt knee on still advertising, has been shortened from 12 to 8 shifts so it might be possible to get through it lol might try to contact people today See how desperate they are lol

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning everyone 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning @StuF hope your work goes okay

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @TAB 


Had a bit of the runs last night, so just hoping to keep it together! lol


Hope you have a good day too

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Re: Good Morning!

I have a computer at home @TAB didn't know if you knew. I have had to do this before with ID - its a bit fiddly but it will work - the hands can't hold it still and the light catches my license. 


Got my ebay store updated - they wanted ID in addition to proof of micro deposits - well its all set up now.  Will sell another item on there today. 


Do you really think you are cut out for work TAB? I don't think you have it in you with all your health challenges. You may be able to work shorter shifts I dunno but things have not worked out for you in the past.  I don't want to put ideas in your head but I know you need the money since you are also trying to retrieve your Superannuation

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @StuF have a nice day today.  No good about the runs, maybe something you ate? I hope your innards can hold it in lol! 😉 

Re: Good Morning!

Er ditto @StuF like sometime early am I usually take @ Tab 1st aid kit if going out anywhere for longer. Otc meds for every possibility plus bandaids, pain cream , oral pain stuff if longer still like days all just in case lol

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah Ive not used PC camera in a long long time. @Former-Member anyway glad it worked. And hope you get a sale. Yeah bit nuts re work . 2nd , 3rd thoughts should just leave it plus site is probably the ones saying do not want me

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