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Re: Good Morning!

Hey @MDT yeah I still haven't ploughed through a new sociology book I bought. Have been buying a few cheap used reference books here and there on aromatherapy, gardening, herbs and acupressure.  So if we have no internet and I need some essential tips will have reference books.  Have heard there may be an internet cyberattack expected in the not too distant future with all this social instability

Re: Good Morning!

Very similar here @Former-Member lol


Might clean the cobwebs around the house...

Re: Good Morning!

I did a short sit in the sun on my walk @Former-Member 

At least at this time of year I don't burn within 5 minutes!

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Re: Good Morning!

Yeah get to it @StuF 


@Former-Member how goes the day?

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Re: Good Morning!

Just enjoying the sun here before it disappears for a week or more 

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Re: Good Morning!

@hanami good to see you around.  I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. I have a lot of compassion for fibromyalgia patients as the diagnosis is hideous.  Its good you've stood by her as its a very misunderstood illness and they have to bear the type of aggravated pain which is not visible to onlookers.  I don't know what she is going to do. Going onto stronger painkillers is worse. I saw my friend struggling to cope with her newer pain meds and having to show up to a pain clinic which did very little for her.  The pain meds used to throw her around a lot and she just wasnt coping.  But yes you have to have lots of bravery with fibromyalgia. 


I'm also sorry to hear about your daughter having similar issues but obviously a different set of circumstances. I did watch a documentary on opioid painkillers years ago and it educated me about the family owned pharmaceutical companies that created opioids.  I try to keep myself educated.  I know pain related illness racks in lots of income for this type of pharmaceutical trade. It must be concerning and troubling to you seeing people you love having to bear this amount of pain ❤️

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Re: Good Morning!

I have taken meds that cause sunlight sensitivity @StuF and I'm still taking a med like that now.  I have to wear a sunhat and put on a SPF protector factor foundation so I don't get sunburn.  But I sit outside covered with my hat on in the glowing warmth from the sun. It feels so good. 

Re: Good Morning!

lol iremember the days before opal @Former-Member haha
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Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member i'm just about to heat up an instant pie with beans for lunch as I couldn't be bothered making something from scratch today.  Its a slack off day lol  I normally eat well but some days I just don't feel like it and today is one of those days 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

good to se ya @StuF

Would not be shocked if another cyber attack hit @Former-Member

I dont even use my bank app. I have committed my account number and also my credit card number to memory in this event.