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Re: Good Morning!

all the best with it SG
I admire your self care routines and how it helps you
stay cool 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Oh it was a bit of a tanty re leaving where I was I guess re house being sold and not fit for work Barely more than survival here in some ways . Good days and notso. If anything prob need to keep moving forward a bit quicker Hope you are going okay. Still lots to do while here
Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @MDT - my self care routines possibly come about because I'm a virgo and have had serious health issues.  The healing world is quite incredible.  If I had not tried the things I had done would have been worse off by far.

Re: Good Morning!

G'day @TAB 


I read about your pillow- wise move!

Re: Good Morning!

Well so far so good @StuF  just need creepy crawly out of ceiling now lol

loud mouth next dr moving out has created a power vacuum seems now have worst of 80s disco every afternoon seems.. 

need to work the Plan .. lol

Re: Good Morning!

Hmmm, sucks about the 80s disco @TAB !!

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah not sure whats going on @StuF  lots drunken inane laughter and yelling now, just not from usual physical location. A few young women moved in other week prob trying to 'impress' them ..

Re: Good Morning!

Interesting method to "impress" @TAB  lol!

Re: Good Morning!

I prob have it all wrong. Someone somewhere is making noise @StuF  prob person who bumped into earlier today who thought said something smart ok not offensive I didn't respond I just looked at them while they stood there waiting for a response and thought what a turkey. Then after 30seconds seemingly.. they chuckled and walked off. They were lucky. @ Tab does not suffer fools gladly. Well once have decided s/o is in that category lol

Re: Good Morning!

@Historylover Good you got things done.


I have been to Osteopath and done a big food shop.


Had salad and mustard herring and am off to a sing across town, to a place I have not been before, but I know the people are good as I have sung with them a lot in the past.


Yes.  Not sure I want to focus on that course content or shape my study that way.  Still really glad as it got me reading a lot of UN stuff on Rights which I needed to read, and apply to myself.


Cheers Apple