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Re: Good Morning!

Howdy @Shaz51 😊 Tis Monday, you know what that means?

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Re: Good Morning!

No I'm not in the least upset or offended @TAB by you not taking up a suggestion.  You gotta do whats right for you!  I may have come across the wrong way but I am very matter of fact about people having the right to make their own choices in life.  I am a firm believer in freedom of agency and people have to feel happy about where they are headed and how they choose to get there

Re: Good Morning!

Thats good @Former-Member sorry for jumping to conclusions. Printed words can take on different meanings after filtering thru ones mental prism might change colour or bend etc lol

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member , Mondayities according to Mr shaz 🤣😂🤣😂

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Re: Good Morning!

Hahaha, very funny MrShaz!

Monday means you get to put the plug back in after the weekend and have a go at a fresh start to the week 😊

Re: Good Morning!

Totally true @Former-Member 😀👍

Mr shaz has been brought up in a very negative home environment 

Very hard to get him out of it , arrg his family are soo negative 

And my mum brought me up to be strong and positive 

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Re: Good Morning!

I hear ya @Shaz51, it's hard to shift that mindset when it's ingrained from an early age. You just keep your strength and positivity flowing, and may that be the influence Mr Shaz needs.

Re: Good Morning!

😀👍 @Former-Member , he has changed over the years my awesome friend,  I don't think we will totally change him but he is a lot better than he was xx 

Re: Good Morning!


Hi @Judi9877 

Thank you for the message. It sounds like you're doing well. 

Re: Good Morning!

Hi oceangirl 🙂. How are you going this evening @oceangirl