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Re: Good Morning!

Yes you can do Kratky in mason jars but you can also do large plastic storage containers @Former-Member. to create mini farm grow boxes!!! Yes the food prices are going to get more expensive with inflation and you can start growing your own veg with no money just the price of plastic storage containers and mesh seed baskets plus growing solution.


You get the large plastic containers (a.k.a mini farm grow boxes) with lids from places like The Reject Shop drill holes in the lids large enough to suspend mesh seed baskets which hydroponics uses you can get on ebay. 


The seed mesh baskets look like this and you put seeds in them and ebay has them:

Screen Shot 2022-03-24 at 11.56.42 am.png


Whatever you choose to do ie mason jars on the window sill or a mini garden with storage containers I hope you feel more empowered with having your own food supply.

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Re: Good Morning!

This is so great @Former-Member, it has been a bit of a worry, what with prices and supply chain issues etc, but you are spot on – the empowering element of providing for yourself and family is next level. Truly, thank you so much for this. It means a lot that you've shared your knowledge with me and the community 😊

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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @TAB yes one of those days huh?  I had my acupuncture yesterday and had some good sleep as a result of it.  Loving qigong at night as it also lulls me into a sleep state.  I let go of all of my stress of the day and just go into Yin mode. My next plan is to start working with parallel economies such as bartering and bitcoin.  Have a book coming in the mail written by a journalist on similar trends in Europe as part of the Great Reset

Re: Good Morning!

yeah think going to force myself to go do some tasks then go to bed when get home again @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

Yeah I got to throw out some recyclables in my kitchen for the local council collection and then organise some lunch @TAB feeling a bit more energised today.

Re: Good Morning!

i shouldnt be going out way knee is atm, have upset it somehow this morning anyway things need to be done, part of re applying for cenno lol @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

Its my pleasure @Former-Member its difficult when you might not always have the means but I notice its what established and successful people do so we can learn from their level of education, expertise and frugality

Re: Good Morning!




Re: Good Morning!

okay sounds good @Wanderer I'm not too flash today, supposed to be resting knee, but its getting worse of its own accord lol

Re: Good Morning!
