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Re: Good Morning!

BOOM! You got your foot in the door @Former-Member.  Friday this week is one of the most auspicious days astrologically for the moon moving into a lucky lunar mansion in the sky that confers lots of good fortune. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best xxoo

Re: Good Morning!

just another episode in the chronicles of @TAB

Re: Good Morning!

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Re: Good Morning!

Lol @Former-Member 

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Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member here's a screenshot of a writeup for yesterdays lucky mansion of the moon. The moon went into this mansion yesterday! Which explains why you were so lucky.  It may take a while to load:

Screen Shot 2021-11-27 at 11.00.15 am.png

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Re: Good Morning!

Yeah it's positive energy coming out of it while reading it lol @Former-Member 

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @HenryX @Former-Member @Former-Member @TAB @MDT @greenpea @ShiningStar @frog @Snowie @jem80 @Peri @Clawde @Meowmy @Former-Member @Former-Member @Daisydreamer @cloudcore @Emelia8 @BPDSurvivor @Owlunar and everyone here. Have a great Saturday!


I've got to go back to my old house and do a bit more tidying up which I'm feeling stressed about as I feel like it's never going to end! I should be happy in our new place but we're struggling to get an electricity supplier (we have electricity for the time being) because of credit checks and stuff which is stupid considering electricity is an essential service which is adding to my stress levels and I'm scared we'll have a place but no electricity. Yes, I'm not travelling too well right now mentally unfortunately. I just feel so under pressure and can't see a way to stop all of this stress with everything. I'm yet to send my psychologist an update on my mental state which I'll have to get around to as my next appointment isn't for 2 long weeks! 

Take care!


Re: Good Morning!

Hope things get better for You @Judi9877 ๐Ÿ˜…

Re: Good Morning!

G'day there

Re: Good Morning!

yo @TAB