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Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member  Jeez that is a scary reminder to us all. 😮

Re: Good Morning!

@Eve7  good morning sweetheart xx

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning to @MDT @TAB @Former-Member @Ant7  :Dxxxx

Re: Good Morning!

Love to you my gorgeous @greenpea Heart

Re: Good Morning!

@HenryX  Good morning my friend. hope you are having a super pea day. love peaxxx

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning @Eve7 , @Ant7 , @greenpea , @Anastasia , @Former-Member , @TAB , @MDT 


Hope everyone has a good day and week ahead


With Best Wishes


Re: Good Morning!

Good morning everyone 🙂 Hope you are having a good start to your week!


I have noticed a discussion about the role of medication this morning in this thread, and these discussions are important as many of us are either living with or supporting loved ones who take medication. While it's important we hold space for these discussions, I just want to remind about our respect and safety guidelines to make sure we are using inclusive and respectful language to refer to others. One fanstastic resource I thought I would share is the recovery oriented language guide which is a really helpful tool in how we use respectful and recovery oriented language 🙂 This is one the Peer Support Team use all the time. 


For those who might be reading along thinking about medication or changes, SANE Forums can't provde medical support, but your GP or medical professionals are the best people talk to for your individual circumstances. 


Appreciate your understanding and hope you have a good day everyone Heart 

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning and good afternoon @Daisydreamer @HenryX @greenpea @Anastasia @MDT @Clawde @TAB @Shaz51 @frog @BPDSurvivor @Former-Member @Snowie @wellwellwellnez @AussieRecharger @Meowmy @Peri and all forumites here. Have a great Monday!


I'm planning on doing some small moving of things today as well as working on my uni essay that's due in on Wednesday. I'm also hoping to relax today sometime as things are getting pretty stressful for me with the move tomorrow and my uni stuff all going on. I may try a Smiling Mind app with a meditation program to try and help settle down. 

Enjoy your day and have fun!


Re: Good Morning!

All the best woth your move @Judi9877 Heart

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Judi9877 , @greenpea , @Daisydreamer , @MDT  

and other members visiting this thread

The following details I have posted in another thread and I hope that they may be equally appropriate in this thread.


At the moment, I have playing in the background, a video clip {that can be accessed directly via the link below} that I am finding peaceful and calming:

 called: “432Hz ✧ Lucid Dreaming ✧ 4Hz Theta and 8Hz Alpha Waves ✧ Binaural Beats”

It runs for about 3 ½ hours, so can be played as background to other activity. The video images may not be good where SAD is an issue, with regard to which I believe I also have some difficulties, however, I do find the

sound part very peaceful and pleasant. It is possible that the sound clip may have to be selected for specific times to match our existing mood, feelings and requirements at any given time.


With the thought expressed:

"Hope everyone's day goes smoothly",

I am aware that we sometimes struggle just to get through a day. Generally, I do like to think positively, so I offer the wish that

"We each make the very best of the day that we can, appreciate that which we can contribute and accept from it, that which we can derive."


Extending Those Wishes to You All
