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Re: Good Morning!

woo @ArtistZ  lol bed here soon. Have rather unaccustomed work here tomorrow morning lol 

Re: Good Morning!


It was about climate change and it was okay. I always love reading the tweets as it's going. It was Virginia Trioli (spelling???) this week and Stan Grant next week but I'm not sure of the topic.But next week they'll have a studio audience in Sydney. If I actually liked crowds I'd want to go ๐Ÿ˜‚



Good luck tomorrow! Sleep well hey ๐Ÿ™‚




Re: Good Morning!

yeah gonna crash soon hey @ArtistZ  its a bit surreal lol 

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah agreed @Former-Member

Re: Good Morning!

I have been to 2 recordings live in Sydney @ArtistZ
One was on politics and the other on foreign affairs. I nearly asked a question but ended up not in the end lol.

Re: Good Morning!

You will get there @MDT Go for it! Lol..

Re: Good Morning!


No way!!! Well that's a bit cool ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘


i get it with the question.... I'm really animated when I speak and I also swear a fair bit so I don't think I could articulate a question properly or usefully. I love the questions people ask and how they often make me see a different side of an issue. 

Re: Good Morning!

Well it all seems predetermined? @MDT @ArtistZ as in who gets asked and they appear to be reading pre-written questions???..

Re: Good Morning!

Its heavily produced these days @TAB @ArtistZ
Shame I think. It was a good program.
There was a p!sstake of the British version I saw once from some old comedy show. Was quite clever lol


Re: Good Morning!


They are getting people to send in video questions now which is good because then you wouldn't have to speak in front of everyone ๐Ÿ˜‚