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Re: Good Morning!

yes, had spoken briefly a while back, I thought you were upset at me about something dunno @Historylover 

I havent used that software, not saying you cheated. 

We used to get a guide that gave a us direction re sources 

yes, re MBA and also had couple false starts with teaching qual

never used my degree, didnt know how to get a job with it, applied for a few things never got anywhere, should have persisted  oh well

what this lecturer said was using others work is commonplace and accepted in some cultures

I did a course at Tafe this year not worth anything, they shouldnt be allowed to teach it, got card for OHS thing and dont know first thing about it, it was hopeless

Re: Good Morning!

I've never been upset with you @TAB. We've been given guides but it's like walking a tight rope!


I found TAFE the same. The teachers all seemed to have their minds on other things — like they couldn't believe they could be paid for having such a cushy 'job'. All had their minds on other things. You really have to be able to teach yourself, I think.

Re: Good Morning!

anyway its forgotten @Historylover  Cat Happy

yes, tafe is all about looking busy lol, all about them and promotions and taking days and weeks off  etc, I want that for me ha ha

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Historylover ,


If you click on the turn it in panel on the right hand side, it should give you a breakdown of where the similarities in the assignments were. That way, you can check whether it was the abstracts that bumped the similarity to 46%.


I used to look at similarity in Turnitin, but I don't believe I've even looked at it during the last 4 years of my studies! I'm now on my last assignment, then finito!


All the best for your studies @Historylover @Judi9877 

Re: Good Morning!

Yeah @Historylover
they have become money making projects and its a political football i think

what happened at uni ?

Re: Good Morning!

HS ... 01 .... @MDT @hamsarello lol

Re: Good Morning!

Re: Good Morning!

yo @TAB

Re: Good Morning!

Hs-01 .. lolz...

Re: Good Morning!

@MDT 😅