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Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  I hope you are not too sore 😊

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member  Sounds positive 😊

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning and good afternoon forumites!

How are each of you? I hope your day is going well.


I know I'm late to the party today but I've had a bad morning and even worse night last night so I decided to take it easy today. I've been mostly in/out of sleep thanks to meds and I've been feeling sad and sorry for myself over the current voice episode that is dragging on forever or so it seems. I've spoken to a peer worker from the hospital I was at and they've been really good, telling me that this episode has happened for a reason and that I just need to slow down and ease the stress in my life. Hence, that is why I'm now doing some knitting of my Mental Health Recovery Blanket which is relaxing and easy to focus on.


Take care!


Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @MDT you too

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @TAB sweetheart miss you lately  hope your well , you are my beautiful dear friend you have always been around Thankyou for that

so so glad to see your name it's just helps keeps me rockin on.  Play my a song please 😍

Re: Good Morning!

Song when I get home @Clawde in few hrs prob. 4 days work done for me lol too much time at home on lounge ha ha

Re: Good Morning!

Wow looking forward my friend 🤩😍👍👋🙏😃😂

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning how is everyone doing today 😊❤️

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Ant7 @Clawde @TAB @MDT @Former-Member @greenpea @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @cloudcore @frog @Shaz51 @Snowie @Anastasia @BPDSurvivor @HenryX @Meowmy @AussieRecharger @Historylover @Adge @Former-Member @TideisTurning @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Jupiter @Jacques and all forumites here. Have a great day!


I'm finally in a better state of mind mentally which is great after a troublesome few days and I'm now more active in my life with me gliding doing some uni study this morning and doing some more knitting of my Mental Health Recovery Blanket before breakfast. I've realised that I was putting too many expectations on myself to be perfect or at least back to my normal self after being in hospital and that those expectations were irrational and out of line with what I could hope to achieve which explains the downfall in my health earlier this week. I'm now at a point where I have accepted that I'm slowly recovering and that I can't push myself to recover quickly as mental health isn't like that for me as I've since discovered! I have to treat myself with care, patience and respect as well as understanding and know that I'll get back to my usual self eventually! It's been a hard lesson to learn but I'm glad I've learnt it as now I know what to do in future if I ever get like this again- slow down and take things easy!


Have a great day whatever you choose to do. I'm going to try and enjoy some spring sunshine that Melbourne has delivered before it plans to rain over the weekend and make the most of the great weather.


Take care and stay safe forumites!


Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Judi9877
Thanks for tag and for your update.
Go well today friend