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Re: Everything music

We live in the bush @greenpea 

Which is great, obviously, but also means sticks and branches are forever falling on our roof. Meaning we need to replace tiles quite often. We always have a stash, but we needed to get more today - our roof guy replaced four tiles today. So we drive out to a tile recycling mob and replenish our stock

Re: Everything music

@StuF  0o0o0o0oo... lucky you living in the bush! i live in the city.  wish i lived in the bush.

Re: Everything music

Still in the suburbs of Sydney @greenpea  just a very bushy area

Re: Everything music

@StuF   well you have the best of both worlds then :D.  i always wanted to live on a farm and have horses.  you know i was talking to eldest the other day and he asked if i knew where i would be at 60  when i was 21 would i have changed things and i said no because i love my kidults warts and all.  would i have done some things differently sure but we all learn by our mistakes and become better people by living through them.

Re: Everything music

We wouldn't be who we are without the experiences @greenpea 


Absolutely some of it sucks, but yeah

Re: Everything music

@StuF   thats true StuF.  cant have the good without the bad so they say.

Re: Everything music

Indeed @greenpea 


Anyway, me off to bed. Up early for work in the morning (but let's face it, I'd be going to bed about now anyways! lol)


Good night

Catch you tomorrow!

Re: Everything music

@StuF  good night StuF sleep well 😄

Re: Everything music

@Arbie_wun Cool link you added about horses 👍🏼

Re: Everything music

@greenpea I agree with you there, we learn from our mistakes, and they can make us a better person.  Sometimes we don't see our mistakes or our faults because we are blinded by the closeness of things.  It can take a good friend to advise you of the problem and assist you in getting through that.


Thankfully I have a good friend outside of here, unfortunately I also hurt them because of my array of issues but the understand that this is the "evil" me and that the "good" me is who I really am.  They are also helping me because they experienced the worst of the human condition in a former partner.  They don't want to see me become that monster and I for one certainly don't want to end up that 'evil'.