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Re: Eything music

Well here's one anthem to live by.... because sometimes we do have to fight our battles on our own!

You're watching the official music video for Whitesnake - "Here I Go Again '87" from the album 'Whitesnake'. "Here I Go Again" reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1987. Subscribe to the Rhino Channel! Check Out Our Favorite Playlists: Classic Rock ...

Re: Everything music

@Marzey thank you so much for your words. Yes, it's been 2 years of loss and I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

The friend who emailed me really surprised me given that what she was accusing me of, she herself did.


I can only hope and pray that 2025 is going to be a change for the better. For all of us.

And welcome to the forum, it's wonderful to have you here 😍❤️

Re: Everything music

@ENKELI ... so sorry to hear that, and unfortunately there are people out there who thrive on making life difficult for others because they themselves are struggling and only seem to care about themselves.


Maybe you need some good tunes to feel better... 

Re: Everything music

Another 'cover' that I think is better than the original... of course the original was a great song too!

Watch the official music video for Land Of Confusion by Disturbed from the album Ten Thousand Fists. 🔔 Subscribe to the channel: Listen to Ten Thousand Fists here: Listen to new album Evolution here: ...

Re: Everything music

@Glisten thanks my dear Tomaatti, or rather, kiitos (thanks). Pronounced "key toss"


I think the worst part was this friend and I have had some amazing in depth conversations and I had hoped I could have shared with her what happened to make me feel the way I do. The whole email stemmed from my comment of saying that my Goddaughter would be better off without her manipulative mother. No, these are negative comments and negativity is of Satan so not only was I reminded of Biblical tenets that I knew, studied and taught,  I was also given a lecture about how I have let Satan rule what comes from my mouth. I know as a non Christian this will sound ludicrous to you. To me, a person who had unshakeable faith until ex friend destroyed that, it was like condemning me to hell.


I wrote back and told her how hurt I was by her words, how my faith was still shaky and I'd considered ending things (trying not to upset anyone here but I'm sure you understand what I mean) at one point.

She replied with the obligatory apology and to take care. No do you want to talk, shall we catch up and share.


I was feeling really good, I had re-established my relationship with God and had been faithful each morning with my Bible study. This morning I considered not doing it.

I've believed all my life and attended church most of my life. I was a Sunday school teacher for several years. To have 2 Christian "friends" pretty much tell me that I am not a Christian shattered me. To have a Christian ex friend spread lies and horrible tales about me was awful and I still don't know who I can trust when it comes to mutual friends.

Then "friend" 3 comes along and gives me chapter and verse about negative words about others to the point where I thought, what's the point God? And for the first time in my life I actually had doubts about the existence of God.


Oh it must be wonderful to be all Jesus-y and have a joyful life with all your goals met and exceeded.



Re: Everything music

Sounds like someone is in need of a reassuring hug!

Re: Everything music

@Arbie_wun that's it, we're getting married. I need to snap you up before someone else does!! (I am making all manner of assumptions here!)


@Glisten and @PeppyPatti you can choose your bridesmaid outfits. @Marzey you are coming too!


Arbie is now thinking, what is this woman on?!


Please let me know if this is making you feel uncomfortable, it is meant in fun and no harm meant at all 🙂

Re: Everything music



I best get myself back in shape then... don't want to be disappointing on the honeymoon!

Re: Everything music

... yes ... yes he did!



REMASTERED IN HD! Official Music Video for God Gave Rock 'n' Roll To You II performed by KISS. Explore the music of KISS: Follow KISS Socials: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #KISS ...

Re: Everything music

The song is accurate... or is MEN IN BLACK accurate?