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Re: Everything music

@StuF @TAB   mods this is not me so dont worry i just like her


Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

Hey @greenpea 


Not sure if I told you- I'm flying to Perth today and catching the Indian Pacific back. So I won't be on here so much for the next week or so.

I hope you are well 🙂

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Re: Everything music

I do have some Beatles and Dylan on vinyl @TAB. It just sounds so much better. But vinyl sooo expensive now. Used to be able to pick up a record from Rockaway records for 10 bucks not too long ago…

Re: Everything music

@Clawde    hey beautiful xx

Re: Everything music

yeah, vinyl a vague memory @Former-Member  last of mine last seen under bed at friends place guess they gave them away.

Dont know Rockaway, guess not in Adelaide. think $10 was like early 80s lol, yeah had look not too long ago are like $70 up. wonder if they still make tape of some sort, people these days might not realise playing actual disks all the time not th best idea. we used to tape onto cassettes sometimes to prevent wear and mishandling. belt drive a 'good ' thing saw in ad this year re turntables. funny. direct drive was the go in the 80s, belt was 2nd best ..

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Re: Everything music

Don’t give them away, @TAB! They’ll probably be worth a bit now! 

Re: Everything music

someone else would have @Former-Member  gone now

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Re: Everything music

I bought my vinyl in the 90’s, @TAB and I just have to put it out there that I have “the white album” on vinyl. Marvellous….

Re: Everything music

.. to each their own @Former-Member  am more of a Stone .. ha ha 

I remember rummaging around in older kids stuff when parents visiting first late 60s then early 70s, one had original beatles vinyl, I remember a green apple on insert.

other place was a boy , had plastic beatles wigs, toys , you name it, of a few of mums cousins married up pretty well , this one got a farmer who became an MP so they were loaded, so kid had wardrobe bursting with expensive toys never seen before from 10 years earlier..