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Re: Everything music

This is the OFFICIAL studio video from 1989 - transferred from a promo Capitol Records VHS to digital for your enjoyment.

Re: Everything music

hey @Former-Member  😊

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Re: Everything music

Hey @TAB how are you going today?  Just letting you know I usually switch off my computer around 5-6pm at night so I don't get blue light in my eyes causing insomnia.  Have had issues with insomnia all my life hence being strict with my routine.


I have just had my celery juice done some ayurvedic oil pulling and had stewed rice/apple for brekky.  The vegie patch is growing wild thanks to your advice. I might have to start bringing in some produce.  The silverbeet has almost grown to its full size.




The first picture is beetroot and the second picture is some red leaf silverbeet and carrots.  I have just watered them this morning

Re: Everything music

Garden's looking pretty good @Former-Member  I havent felt that good since yest afternoon, stress maybe dont know. Got Drs appt today of all things, just to get allied health referral. Had ph appt, dr's voice so muddy and quiet, could only guess what they were saying, seemed to be negative when asked re referral, he had 3 goes at explaining , could not understand a word, just assumed he was telling me needed another appointment as had run out of time (not really true) so assumed he meant face to face as well for dont know why, so going there today

Hope things are going okay for you

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Re: Everything music

No good @TAB these regional and country doctors can be a problem.  The bush is known for its below average medicine. It attracts not very good GP's and thats a given. I don't like phone consults either.  There are two doctors at the clinic I go to that don't come across well so I only do phone consults with them for scripts or repeat referrals for my shrink.  Mercury/Saturn has been aspecting in the skies which can mean communication has been stifled a bit but as of today and the next few days mercury has a harmonious hookup with other planets.  I would go back in a day or so and get your referrals organised. Saturn has a halting effect on communication but will come out of this bottleneck alignment fairly soon. It will have passed quickly ❤️

Re: Everything music

this is only place that bulk bills @Former-Member  all gps born overseas, some qualified overseas. I've never seen it in writing but was definite reluctance to prescribe certain meds. This seemed to diminish after they qualified as australian GPs (FRAGP or whatever)

anyway drs in city few years before that not much different, even ones the charged above medicare. I used to see good GPs til 20 years ago, bit more luck these days

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Re: Everything music

Yeah my clinic I go to bulk bills.  I live in a poorer district so the doctors are sympathetic to our financial situation.  Prior to that up until 10 years ago they would never bulk bill.  Many of the patients were rude, offensive and on occasion violent so they ended up putting a protective screen shield around the administration/reception area to protect staff.  I found that to be incredible but nowadays it happens a lot!  I know of a couple of good doctors in the area, they go by word of mouth.  My GP is excellent and so is the GP that does bulk billing acupuncture. These are the ones I see.  I only have acupuncture unless I need it but am happy with the basic level of care I get and having healthy diet and preventative measures @TAB 

Re: Everything music

okay well that sounds good. Now. @Former-Member  had gone for a nap here

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Re: Everything music

I'm going for my afternoon siesta @TAB 

Re: Everything music

okay hope it works @Former-Member  not that flash here still lol